Singapore should produce its own masks

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Age: 2023
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Foxconn, the maker of Apple's iPhone and other consumer electronics products, is taking the unusual step to produce surgical masks, which is not its core business.

Foxconn has about one million workers in mainland China. It argues that the masks are needed to protect its workers as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus. They cannot depend on other mask suppliers to resolve the shortage.

Foxconn expects to produce two million masks a day by the end of the month. If they have excess capacity, they plan to export or sell them to the domestic market.

US carmaker General Motors is doing the same. Its Chinese joint venture SAIC-GM-Wuling announced that it will put up 14 automated lines with the goal of making 1.7 million masks a day. ??????

If these private companies can produce surgical masks with the aim of protecting their workers, shouldn't we as a nation do the same to protect our citizens?

We should not think whether the production of these surgical masks would be a viable business but instead consider it a national health safety issue.

Since the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (Dorscon) was raised to orange, we have seen the ugly side of Singapore.

One possible problematic area is those returning from China and put on the mandatory 14-day leave of absence. Many live with other tenants or landlords' families.

These people may be inadvertently exposed, and as no restrictions have been imposed on them, they would go about their daily lives, thus exposing the risk to others they come into contact with.

Also, many businesses would want their workers back on the job as quickly as possible. They would rather take the risk of ignoring the leave of absence than losing business. I hope the Government will tighten its leave of absence requirements.

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