difference between whey protein and whey protein isolate

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The difference between whey protein and whey protein isolate lies in their manufacturing process and protein content, as well as other components.
1. **Whey Protein:**
   - Whey protein, or whey, is extracted from the liquid that remains after milk coagulates to make cheese.
   - It generally contains between 70% and 80% protein, with the rest consisting of fats, lactose, and small amounts of bioactive components.
2. **Whey Protein Isolate:**
   - Whey protein isolate undergoes an additional process of filtration and removal of impurities, such as fat and lactose.
   - As a result, whey protein isolate has a higher protein content, typically exceeding 90%, and reduced amounts of fats and carbohydrates. It is thus purer than standard whey protein.
   - Due to its increased purity, whey protein isolate is often preferred by individuals looking to increase their protein intake while limiting fat and carbohydrate consumption.
**In summary:**
- Whey protein generally contains a protein content of 70-80%.
- Whey protein isolate is purer, with a protein content usually exceeding 90% due to a more intensive filtration process.
- The choice between the two depends on individual goals, budget, and personal lactose tolerance.
It is always recommended to carefully read product labels to understand their specific composition and choose the one that best fits your nutritional needs.
Posted 05 Dec 2023

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