43184 topics
227336 replies
Visiting this board first time ? Just drop in and introduce yourselves :) and meet other members of this forum, make friends that will last a lifetime...
27241 topics
601324 replies
Well, now u'r free to talk about anything here.. !! But within limits n respect the feelings of others too!
7671 topics
26726 replies
Confess ur sins, Discuss Religion , problems and share religious views
4309 topics
12723 replies
Post any new/old/favourite song name or lyrics, or if you feel like singing jump in here
9714 topics
24362 replies
Computers,Education, Fashion, News Trends, Litterature, Cooking, Health Issues...for everything you need help with or wana share with others, then this is the place for you
8365 topics
114415 replies
Share ur own or selected urdu poetry in here....
4740 topics
97526 replies
This is esp for dedications, B'days, Special occasions and anything u wanna celebrate....
Umm!! Here da Admins lives, any issues related to us or site, please try resolving here not other forums! Got any queries?OR need some sort of help? wanna say summin? members point here
8338 topics
82401 replies
Whats happening in the world of Teens
3183 topics
35597 replies
Fill it with all JUNK
1458 topics
9356 replies
Rock this place with your beautiful selection of english poetry....
3472 topics
2000 replies
help JB community....
5919 topics
320038 replies
ok all u luv bugs/adicts.. this is the corner for u.. whether ur love lorn or blissful.. make ur statement HERE. <BR>
2096 topics
14874 replies
Expression/discussion place with
1196 topics
5089 replies
Do share with us your traveling experiences.
7021 topics
6079 replies
Here ya ppl can talk about your favourite cricket oops i meant Sports, Games or related people.
3506 topics
51667 replies
Interested in stars that sizzle?this is the place to be, gossips and lifestyles of the celebs, an if you come across summin fun post it for the whole world 2C
992 topics
2024 replies
Move All Junk here
825 topics
86955 replies
ok.. this is for all u hollywood and other fans.. put in all the stuff from ur countries and make us proud of it too.. waiting for west and arabia to move in here...
1137 topics
25622 replies
Share pics with us. Please upload nice and cool pics only, irrelevant pics will be deleted. No Funny pix Plz <BR>Note : No sex/pornography, must be for all ages.
2326 topics
186282 replies
Play games,Riddles/Quiz/Guess, talk about all the great games u would like to play...ULTIMATE GAMING
3370 topics
52054 replies
Post pictures, fun posting, Interesting stuff & Jokes here. <BR>Note : No sex/pornography, must be for all ages.
3397 topics
328728 replies
Its all About LollyWooD! come and witness glamour unfold
3973 topics
5432 replies
Post all your IT related queries and we'll try to resolve or assist you in resolving them.
46491 topics
31297 replies
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