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period 22.08% , increase an amount to achieve five million one hundred and seven thousand five hundred stere, will import a quantity to achieve three million four buy cheap composite deck boards in in india hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred stere September among them. Entrance of our country sawn timber basically comes from Russia, Canada, Thailand and United States, the volume of sawn timber export of these 4 countries is total first half of the year how to install rhino edging achieve twenty-one million six hundred and seventy-four thousand six hundred stere, 76.77% what occupy our country sawn timber to import gross. Since this year, the volume of sawn timber import that waits for a country from Russia, Thailand, United States and New Zealand has our country to grow apparently. Finish eleven floors for outside decks million nine hundred and seventy-nine

thousand stere from the entrance of Russia sawn timber among them, than going up growth of year of the corresponding period 26.35% , 42.43% what occupy our composite deck material costs country sawn timber to import an amount, increased 2.499 million stere, import three million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred stere from Canada, than going up year of the corresponding period drop 3.72% , occupy our country

Posted 26 Feb 2018

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