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Your furniture is a huge investment! So is your car and your house. So if you put a lot of work into your car or your house , like getting oil changes or putting in new floors, why would you not do the same
with your furniture? Your furniture gets used a lot and you can help maintain
its value by following these ideas.

Keep your furniture clean. If it's cloth furniture, you should vacuum it regularly. If it is leather furniture, you
should wipe it down and use leather treatment regularly. And if it's made of
wood, you need to keep it polished. But what if it has already taken a beating?
What can you do then?

If you have wooden furniture you have a few options. Painting is one idea. In fact, two dressers from different
manufacturers can be made to look like they are part of a set with a paint job
and a new set of handles!

If you do not want to paint your furniture you still have other options. If it has been badly abused , you can sand off the finish, sand out the nicks and scratches, and then varnish
it. Or, if it is not badly scratched, you can use children's crayons in a color
that matches the wood (like light brown) and color in the scratch. Scratch
filler is available at hardware stores but children's crayons can work just as

Another way to revive your tired furniture, like couches and chairs , is to get them re-upholstered. After all, you have probably painted your living
room a couple times, so having furniture that matches again will make your room
look that much better. Instead of buying brand new furniture, just get your
furniture re-upholstered.

And yet another way to revive tired looking furniture is to simply move your room around or switch the rooms that your
furniture are in. Take the armchair that has been in your living room since you
bought the house and move it to the bedroom. Take the unused chair in the spare
room and move it by the front door. Simple changes like this will help you cycle
your furniture from heavy use areas to light use areas, which will help maintain
their life, and will help you enjoy them as if they were new.
Snowmobile Accidents Can Be Avoided Says Michigan Attorney
Terry Cochran
Article_Body; Thousands of snowmobile riders will hit the 6 ,200 miles of
groomed, state trails from Dec. 1 through March 31 to enjoy breathtaking
views of Michigan from the seat of a snowmobile. Snowmobiling has a huge
economic impact on the state, annually generating more than a billion
dollars both directly and indirectly from the more than 400,000 registered
snowmobiles in Michigan. Those benefiting include hotels, restaurants,
the tourist industry as a whole , and dealers and manufacturers. The
average snowmobile sold for $7,942 in 2005, while the average snowmobiler
spent over $4,000 on the sport. Those are funds put back into this state's
economy.The Michigan Snowmobile Association (MSA) is encouraging its
20,000-plus members and all other snowmobilers to take the Zero Tolerance
Pledge and promote alcohol-free Snowmobiling under the influence. It is
against the law and carries the same stiff penalties as drinking and
driving in an automobile. During the 2004-05 winter season, the number of
snowmobile-related deaths in Michigan went down , while deaths involving
the use of alcohol also dropped dramatically from the previous year. Our
law firm joins the MSA to advance its cause of alcohol-free Snowmobiling.
We are encouraged that more and more snowmobilers are being responsible
and not mixing alcohol with this great winter sport. And while using our
wonderful state trails, we urge vigilance be given when approaching
pedestrians, cross-country skiers, or groups of snowmobiles to avoid
accidents.A snowmobile can weigh up to 600 pounds and some performance
sleds can travel at speeds in excess of 90 m.p.h. At 90 m.p.h., a
snowmobile moves at 131 feet per second. With a standard reaction time of
1.5 seconds, a snowmobile will travel 195 feet before coming to a
stop.Children are at risk for snowmobile-related injury from being the
operator , bystander, or passenger. Pediatric snowmobile-related injuries
are often a result of risk-taking behavior of the parent (excessive speed,
alcohol use, and nighttime driving). Males younger than 16 years are more
than three times as likely as females of the same age to sustain a
snowmobile-related injury.If an accident does happen, I urge the victim or
witnesses to take note whether they are on a state trail, a public or
private trail , as Michigan's recreation statute provides for governmental
immunity if you are injured on state land while Snowmobiling. While on
trails going through private land, snowmobiles should stay on the trail to
avoid trespassing and to avoid hidden hazards like rocks or stumps under
the snow.I also wants to remind snowmobile owners that if a snowmobile
operator collides with a moving vehicle they are covered by Michigan No
Fault Law. The operator may be eligible for No Fault benefits if they
strike a vehicle parked on the side of the road in "manner that presents
an unreasonable risk of bodily injury." This is important because a
snowmobiler colliding with a car parked on the side of the road because of
a snowstorm often will be entitled to No Fault. Statistics show that only
10-15% of snowmobile accidents occur on well-maintained and designed
trails where as much as 80-90% of all snowmobiling takes place. Just a few
of the risks along trails include: Cable and guide wires, fences, barbed
wire, unsafe ice and ice ridges, hidden rocks , tree stumps, low hanging
branches and other obstacles. The U.S. Consumer Product Safet. Jerseys China   Jerseys For Cheap   Jerseys China   Jerseys Online   Jerseys Online   College Jerseys Wholesale   MLB Jerseys From China   New NHL Jerseys Cheap   New NFL Jerseys Cheap   Basketball Jerseys Cheap 

Posted 01 Mar 2018

valandrian says
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