exceed Shandong to become

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Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, the others is saved indoor composite flooring 23 times (city, area) all have particieboard production. Jiangsu saves particieboard crop to grow 183.7% considerably, achieve 6.78 million stere, occupy countrywide particieboard 26% overall, by on year the 3rd jump house the first, exceed Shandong to become Chinese particieboard crop the biggest province; Shandong particieboard output grows 31.3% , achieve 5.29 million stere, fall it is wooden tile backyard pakistan the 2nd; Heibei particieboard output grows somewhat, amount to 3.08 million stere, by on year the 2nd fall for the 3rd; Guangdong particieboard output grows 49% considerably, achieve 2.05 million 4x8 Wood Fence Panels In Delaware stere, from on year the 5th litre is the 4th; Guangxi particieboard crop achieves 1.87 million stere, from on year the 4th fall for the 5th; Anhui

particieboard output grows 23.6% , achieve 1.52 million stere, from on year the 7th litre comes the 6th; Henan particieboard output grows 16.1% , achieve 1.3 million stere, diy bench with backrest plans come from the 8th litre on one year the 7th; Hubei particieboard crop keeps stable, achieve 800 thousand stere, from on year the 9th litre comes the 8th; Sichuan particieboard output grows 146.2% considerably, achieve 640

Posted 01 Mar 2018

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