each country is progressively

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carried out, economy of European Union each country is progressively unifinication, say " exit " had appeared do not abandon what is appropriate to the occasion. custom deck of cards uk for sale Other Europe country goes out the lumber treatment of hamster is mechanical, there was apparent growth in this paragraph of time, still continueing to go up year positive trend develops. Grew L 5 % to the exit of this area. The exit of forward Russia area is more cost per square foot pvc fence materials outstanding, was 34 million euro 2001, relatively on year grew 31 % ; Poland is 22 million euro. Grew 8. 2 % . Africa is basic to an U posture of African area good. Was 60 million euro 2001, relatively on year grew 6. 6 % , african mainland is machined to 10 water material importance is finite for machinery and cutting tool,outdoor synthetic floor tiles south Africa and country of a few Mediterranean coastal North Africa are only exceptional. North America is successive abidance of 7 years develops posture to make North America, especially newest interlocking deck boards calgary American market tends saturated, the exit to this area (the United States, Canada and Mexico) amounted to 2001 2. 1.4 billion euro, decreased than 2000 0. 3 % ; And Argentina is 6 million euro, dropped 10. 3 % . Although the
Posted 28 Mar 2018

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