
Age: 125
Total Posts: 10089
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL. Please proceed with the short Darood-e-pak from the heart. ALLAHUMA SALLE ALA MUHAMMADIN-WA ALA AALE MUHAMMADIN KAMASALLAITA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALE IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED ! ASSALAM O ALAIKUM WA RAHMAT ULLAH HI WABARAKATUHU WA MUGHFIRATUHU sisters ! This information is specially for those who have neglected the Hijaab(pardah) which is not only clearly described in The Holy Quran but also in number of Hadiths.Please read carefully and find in which category you lie . Everything in Islam is due to some reason . Hijaab has a no. of benefits , the most important of which is that it leads to the end of a lot of "shar" which prevails in the society due to its absence.