Rain Man
Age: 125
7828 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
Points: 0
United States, United States
Keanu Reaves is a good actor...
First Matrix was awesome...its one of my fav of all time... Relaoded was good too... Revolution sucked big time, that was the most pathetic way of ending a great movie...
my fav part would be from RELOADED when Neo was fightin with 100s of Smiths n took the poll out....that's the one...
Age: 125
7634 days old here
Total Posts: 26920
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
my fav part would be from RELOADED when Neo was fightin with 100s of Smiths n took the poll out....that's the one...THIS IS BEAT PART I LIKE IT TOO GR8
Age: 125
7464 days old here
Total Posts: 13
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The two white twins looked really scary Keanu reeves is the a really okay actor n the best movie was the 1st 2 the movies got a little crap ut there a lots of good parts in it