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TOKYO Nacho Fernandez Real Madrid Jersey , Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- A senior vice Cabinet Office minister in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government
announced Monday he would be leaving the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
to join a new party being formed by allies close to Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.

Mineyuki Fukuda, 53, a third term lower house lawmaker, told a press briefing on the matter that he wants to form a new party with independent lower house
member Masaru Wakasa.

"I will make a new political party with House of Representatives lawmaker Masaru Wakasa," Fukuda said Mateo Kovacic Real Madrid Jersey , referring to the independent lawmaker who has joined forces with former Democratic Party members including Goshi
Hosono and other defectors.

"I want to join the new party and work on raising up its human resources," Fukuda said, confirming his plan to run as a candidate for the envisioned new
party in the expected up coming general election.

The latest development will deal a blow to Abe, who doubles as the LDP's president, who is expected to announce on Monday his contentious plan to
dissolve the all-important lower house of parliament for a snap general election
in October.

Fukuda was first elected to the lower house in 2005. While being defeated in the 2014 general election in his Kanagawa Prefecture constituency Mariano Diaz Real Madrid Jersey , however, he managed to retain his seat on the LDP's proportional representation list.

The new party, envisioned by Wakasa and Hosono, has seen a number of defectors jump ship from their parties to join the embryonic party that will
field 50 or more candidates in all of Tokyo's 25 constituencies.

Along with those jumping ship from the LDP, the exodus from the main opposition Democratic Party of late will also be frustrating for the party and
its new leader Seiji Maehara Marcos Llorente Real Madrid Jersey , who has stated that unity within the party ranks was vitally important for it to mount a serious challenge to the
ruling coalition in the expected election.

The latest defections on both sides come at a time that both parties have been discussing their campaign pledges and mapping out their overall
paradigmatic content of their platforms.

The opposition camp has also been looking into ways it can cooperate in the election to garner the maximum amount of public support and launch a political
attack on the ruling party, which some political watchers believe that, in light
of the LDP's recent scandal-mired run, might be a series challenge.

Abe opting not to give a policy speech, not to hold a budget committee speech nor to deliberate burning issues in parliament Marco Asensio Real Madrid Jersey , some of which would see Abe grilled by the opposition over cronyism allegations that could have significant bearing on
public opinion, has exacerbated the opposition.

The leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, Maehara, took aim at the plan saying that the prime minister dodging making a policy speech or avoiding
parliamentary deliberations in the extraordinary session, is an "act that
ridicules the highest organ of state power."

Last Thursday Marcelo Real Madrid Jersey , the Democratic Party refused to attend steering committees of the lower and upper houses that were scheduled to hold
board meetings, in protest of the ruling camp's bullish plan to dissolve the
lower house which they are opposed to with senior members calling it "illogical"
and "self serving."

The meetings were subsequently canceled.

Not holding an extraordinary Diet session also saw the opposition camp vexed with a member of the Japanese Communist Party last Friday stating that the
opposition camp had insisted the government convene an extraordinary session
based on a constitutional provision.

The lawmaker stated that dissolving the lower house without holding any session would violate the constitution.

Abe, regardless, is expected to dissolve the lower house on Thursday, with plans for a general election on Oct. 22.

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TEHRAN Luka Modric Real Madrid Jersey , Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday
discussed the Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum on the phone, state IRIB
TV reported.

The Iraqi Kurds on Monday cast their votes in a referendum that will determine the independence of the Kurdish region and the disputed areas that are
currently under de facto Kurdish control.

Both Rouhani and Erdogan emphasized their coordinated opposing stance over the referendum in their telephone conversation.

The integrity of Iraq is highly important for Iran, Rouhani said, adding that the security of his country and the region is, to a significant
degree Lucas Vazquez Real Madrid Jersey , depends on this factor.

This is a clear message for those who are going to disturb the security and stability of the region, Rouhani pointed out.

Turkey would also give any appropriate response to the Kurdish referendum at political, economic or military level, Erdogan said.

Ankara is ready to boost his ties with the Islamic republic given the current situation in the region, Erdogan stressed.

On June 7 Kiko Casilla Real Madrid Jersey , the Kurdish regional President Masoud Barzani announced his intention to hold a referendum on the independence of the
Kurdish region from Iraq on Sept. 25.

The independence of Kurdistan is opposed by many countries because it would threaten the integrity of Iraq and because it could undermine fight against
Islamic State militants.

In addition, neighboring countries such as Turkey, Iran and Syr
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Posted 17 May 2018

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