true story

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0

Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
A horrible true story about contact lenses....

To those who wear contact lenses, remove them when you have to attend a
Bar-Be-Que party or whatsoever that got to do with flames...

Here is a horrible true story about contact lenses....

It happened to a 21-year-old guy, he wore a pair of contact lenses
during a barbecue party. While, he was barbecuing, he stared at the fire

After a few seconds, he started to scream for help and moved rapidly,
jumping up and down. No one in the party knew why...

When he arrived at the Hospital, the doctor said he'll be blind
permanently courtesy of the contact lenses that he had worn.

Contact lenses are made by plastics, and the heat from the charcoal melted his
contact lenses. So, tell all your friends...

Posted 11 Sep 2004

Night says
yeah hallo....
Posted 12 Sep 2004

this is the third and last time..change ur id
Posted 12 Sep 2004

is there anywayz that i can shift my posts to the new idd..b'coz it took months to achieve that number of mails...if there is any way tell me i'll make another...nahee tu can make it stop working..n iam gonna leave JB
Posted 13 Sep 2004

prophet mean clairvoyant..and this aint no bad..aint it
Posted 13 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
ok wat ID do u want, i'll re name this one for u
Posted 13 Sep 2004

Guest_005 says
Posted 13 Sep 2004

give me one day i'll tell u 2morrow...
n thnx for being patient with me
Posted 14 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
no problemo...
Posted 14 Sep 2004

ur kewl n kewl is good
Posted 14 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
yes doubts on it...right JB
Posted 14 Sep 2004

iam getting late for college
catch u laters
Posted 14 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
peace out...
Posted 14 Sep 2004

yaara make it Mephistopheles
Posted 15 Sep 2004

Guest_005 says
Posted 15 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
ok done deal, n a great pick, awesome nick...why didn't i think of that before

adii kya hua
Posted 15 Sep 2004

shukria buddy
thnx for changing it
working properly
Posted 16 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
Posted 16 Sep 2004

bhai can u tell me how i can add image to the post ???
Posted 16 Sep 2004

i found it..but thnx anywayz
Posted 16 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
u got it for sure..or still need help
Posted 16 Sep 2004

na thnx i got it...u tell me something else that how to add pic to ur signature..........?
Posted 17 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
simple, the pic u wana add in ur sig, post it here or in ne of ur topic, then when the picture shows right click on it, copy the url then go in ur profile n in the sig section type "

then update ur profile
Posted 17 Sep 2004

na i tried this thing laikin instead of pic it was showing the url address let me try wid ur pic
Posted 18 Sep 2004

u see
Posted 18 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
ok jus post the pic u want in ur sig here, n i'll do it
Posted 19 Sep 2004

okies thnx iam gonna paste the pic...u tell me can i use the pic which is in my pc not uploaded ?
Posted 21 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
yes just upload that pic over here
Posted 21 Sep 2004

Posted 21 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
Posted 21 Sep 2004

valandrian says
Posted 24 Apr 2018

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