net per islam ki jang main hum log kitna hisa laytay hain? zara shochiay........... hum apnay amal say islam ki maded kertay hain ya islam dushmanoun ki? [cannibal]
Age: 125
8229 days old here
Total Posts: 22153
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Pakistan, Pakistan
well .. the question is dis where we are against da Islam ??? and da other question how can we HELP ... da Islam ???? if there is any thing wrong .. you point out.. if you have anny suggestion you are welcome ... and those will be appricated by us :)
achaa achaa.well let mestart my essay jus think n this ismy own opinion n remeber every country n town is diffferent so haan..well most of usour living in da west rite.....n we have alot distractions dat r distracting us n making us slip away from the real goal of life......for example most muslims wanna dress like da west n act like da west n thy dont realize that on the day of judgement it will be all thrown back at derfaces cause the path we should be travelling in is in the path of Allah (swt) not the adjusting the wests life style thinking that this is our final abode n we will not meet our master...coz there is a veil nad hijab between man n his master but REMEMBER on the day of judgement there will be no Hijab between us n the master n wat will we have to answer for well al-alim.........disisjus a very minor problem the muslims hv but there are many more important issues about islam dat we need to sort out coz as one say knowledgeis fast life iz short...........wake up b4 u never wake up n u regret for not waking up..........
an as one says u r a traveller in dis world... treat diz world as a bridge jus use this bridge to walk apoun n cross da bridge dont build upon this bridge coz it will be no use to u...........
Age: 125
8113 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
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Ireland, Ireland
well, i dont think any of us are against islam, n even if we do sumthin against islam, its not intentionally! human being is a strange creation, i mean, we r alot more attracted towards wt we r told not to do! so, i can say 4 myself, dt i try my best not to go against islam intentionally, n about askin how we can help it, well, in my opinion, the most important thing bout islam is exepting the ppl around u n treating them as 1 wud treat dem selves, n by the way things r goin, especially the iraqi crisis, i have to say dat none of the islamic nations help the iraqi people, the way they shud have!i mean, all the aid goin to iraq is mostly from western countries, wt im tryin to say is, dt charity is 1 of the pillars of islams, n from wt i see, the west is doin a better job at it! n 1 more thing, muslim now a days have no unity wat so ever, y r the western countries so well off, becuz they look out 4 each other, n in the end, they all benefit from each other, while as 4 muslims, well, we try n fend 4 ourselves only, as n individual! i hope no1's offended by my comments, but dts juss my opinion, u cn agree or disagree!
u r entitled to ur own opinion sis n wat u say is true n from ur heart.......firstly the whole unity dat iz so true we muslims should treat each other equal n work together but for some strong reason we do da oppisit....n as for going against islam.......well i think der is no muslim today that goes against islam as we all hv free will .we use it in the way dat suits us....for example if ur not wearing the hijab or praying ur five prayers or wearing perfume containg alchol ...this doesnt mean we hate hijab its jus the way we r n the way our nafs is controlling us.......Allah (swt) guides us if we ask for his guidance n those who r guided by Allah (swt) well they should help other muslim brothers n sistaz......coz dats were brotherhood n sisterhood cumz into it...but no wat do we ppl do today if one is into islam we would respect thm but think thy r too religious or extreme or we compare ppl which is worng.........
Hadith: (F)(F)(F)The Prophet (pbuh) said: "None of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself" (Bukhari and Muslim)(F)(F)(F)
(F)(F)allhumdulliah.n cum on ppl bring ur suggestions n opinons into thing ive noticed is whnever we talk about islam or the issue is raised concerning islam.....well unfortunly for some sad reson the topic jus gets burried after a day or to or ppl gate crash n start talkinng abt the total oppiste stuff like slamn khan ect ect.....[^][xx(]
da thing wiv islam is dat u dont have to search for it u jus need to look inside ur heart n its der........raise ur hands n ask for Allah blessins n guidance n ull get it inshallah..........its all in the heart n mind u dont need to serach for somthing that is der.......u only search for somthing that is lost or missing but in the case of muslims Islam is not lost jus kinda dug down or burried somewhere in there hearts..........
Age: 125
8050 days old here
Total Posts: 430
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Pakistan, Pakistan
quote:Originally posted by Sab Ki Ladli Ajnabee
da thing wiv islam is dat u dont have to search for it u jus need to look inside ur heart n its der........raise ur hands n ask for Allah blessins n guidance n ull get it inshallah..........its all in the heart n mind u dont need to serach for somthing that is der.......u only search for somthing that is lost or missing but in the case of muslims Islam is not lost jus kinda dug down or burried somewhere in there hearts..........
I am impressed & totally agree with U,that Islam is in our hearts,& it depends on us that how much V are faithful & sincere to ALLAH,HIS PROPHET(PBUH)& Islam,not just by sayings but by proving ourselves real Muslims,that non-muslims should also impressed & come towards the circle of Islam(INSHALLAH)
Age: 125
7981 days old here
Total Posts: 9
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Net per maded ka matlab 1. hai aise batain kehna ya aisi malomad provide kerna keh dosroun keh diloun say islam kay mutaliq confusion khatam ho. 2. aisi websities ka muqabla kerna our jawab daina jo islam kay khilaf propogenda kker rahi hain. 3. khud hi apnou ko crictize our badnam na kerna our kernay waloun ko mana kerna. thats what i mean.
Net per maded ka matlab 1. hai aise batain kehna ya aisi malomad provide kerna keh dosroun keh diloun say islam kay mutaliq confusion khatam ho. 2. aisi websities ka muqabla kerna our jawab daina jo islam kay khilaf propogenda kker rahi hain. 3. khud hi apnou ko crictize our badnam na kerna our kernay waloun ko mana kerna. thats what i mean.
sorry sis im jus really bad at understand urdu....not my mother tongue as u prob noticed