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BEIJING Herre Nike Vapormax KPU TPU Sort Danmark , Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Thursday promised to improve
the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation.

The CPC will consolidate the broadest possible patriotic united front and work with other political parties and business circles with a shared commitment
to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, said the CPC Central
Committee in a letter of thanks to non-communist parties and the All-China
Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC).

The CPC will stick to the principles of long-term coexistence Off-Hvid x Nike Vapormax Sort Hvid Danmark , mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other Herre Nike Vapormax Flyknit Rød Sort Danmark , and sharing the rough times and the smooth, as well as supporting non-communist parties in performing
their duties Herre Nike Vapormax KPU TPU Rød Danmark , to advance the cause of multiparty cooperation, the letter stated.

It will also support the ACFIC to better exercise its duties Herre Nike Vapormax Flyknit Asphalt Grå Hvid Danmark , according to the letter.

Through the united front, the CPC expects to establish the broadest consensus among the people and pool as much wisdom and strength as possible Dame Nike Air Vapormax 2018 Lilla Danmark , in a bid to realize the goals set at the 19th CPC National Congress, the letter said.

BEIJING, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- Sales of iPhones continue to fall in urban China and now trail Chinese brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi, an industry survey
showed Thursday.

In Q2, Apple accounted for 17.9 percent of smartphone sales in urban China, 1.8 percentage points less than a year ago, according to a survey conducted by
Kantar Worldpanel.

"The decline has pushed Apple behind Huawei at 25.7 percent and Xiaomi at 18.5 percent," said Tamsin Timpson, strategic insight director at Kantar Asia,
although iPhone 6s and 6s plus remain the top sellers.

With the iPhone SE in short supply, the model made little impact, accounting for only 2.5 percent of total sales.

In contrast to the decline in China, iPhones returned to growth in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and the United States.

In the United States, Apple's sales grew 1.3 percentage points year-on-year, accounting for 31.8 percent of all sales.

Kantar Worldpanel ComTech carries out monthly panel surveys among Chinese urban mobile phone users to monitor the market share of various brands. Enditem


BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- At least two people were killed and 19 others injured in a shooting incident at a nightclub hosting a teen party Monday in
Fort Myers, Florida.

The shooting took place at a parking lot of Club Blu just after 00:30 a.m. local time (0430 GMT) on Monday morning.

Police have detained three people after the attack, but it is still unclear who is responsible for the incident.

It has been the second mass shooting incident in Florida this year. The first one took place last month, in which an Afghan-American man named Omar Mateen of
Port St. Lucie attacked a gay club in Orlando on June 12, claiming 50 lives and
causing 53 injuries.

The shooting began at around 2:00 a.m. local time (0600 GMT) on June 12. Mateen was found dead in the nightclub after a shootout with the police.

The terrorist group the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the Orlando nightclub massacre, and the FBI was ""highly confident"" that Mateen had
been radicalized online.

On July 7, a sniper named Micah Johnson, upset over the police shooting incidents in Louisiana and Minnesota on July 5-6 which caused the deaths of two
black men, ambushed and killed five police officers and wounded seven others and
two civilians in Dallas, Texas.

According to the group Mass Shooting Tracker, there have been as many as 207 mass shooting incidents in the United States so far this year, while the Orlando
attack has been the deadliest in the U.S. history.

In the past five years, an average of about 33,000 people were killed by guns each year in the United States, according to the data released by the U.S.
Center of Disease Control.

Due to an increasing number of shooting accidents, satisfaction with the country remains low, as only twenty-one percent of U.S. voters think the country
is headed in the right direction, the lowest level of confidence in nearly three
years of surveying, according to a new Rasmussen Reports survey released last

Following the successive mass shootings, a debate over gun control has been aroused nationwide. According to the Rasmussen Reports survey, fifty-six percent
of voters said the country needs stricter gun control, reaching the highest
level of support ever. Still, voters were evenly divided over whether more gun
purchase restrictions will help prevent future shooting incidents.

The gun legislation failed again as four gun-control measures were blocked by the U.S. Senate on July 20. The measures include whether to expand background
check and to block the selling of firearms to anyone on federal government's
terrorism watch list.

" "

NEW YORK, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- A Muslim Imam and his assistant were shot and killed by a lone gunman Saturday in broad daylight while leaving a mosque in the
Queens Borough of New York City.

The shooting occurred around 2 p.m. near the Al-Furqan Masjid Mosque, where the two victims were attending their Saturday afternoon prayers, according to
local media.

The victims were wearing traditional Muslim garb and were both shot in the head from close range. The killer approached them from behind, according to

The shooter had fled the scene and his motive was not yet clear, according to police.

Members of the mosque had gathered at the mosque, denouncing the shooting as a hate crime against their faith.

The investigation into the motive behind the attack was underway, police said.

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Posted 15 Jun 2018

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