She’s BAAAAAAAaaaack!!!

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Canada, Canada
or atleast another topic ABOUT her is back!! ur favorite and mine peeps......aunty saima!!

according to a pakistani newspaper in canada, saima voiced her disapproval for lollywood stars heading 2 bollywood. she said she has cut off all ties with anybody who has jumped ship (meera, sana, reema, maummar etc), and cnofimred that she WILL NOT make a movie 4 bollywood.....(its not like anyone's askin' her anyways. lol).

she also let it be known that she is making her smallscreen debut soon in a pak-india CO-PRODUCED drama called 'rishtay dhaagay ke banay hain' or something like that. so look out!! and 4 those of u concerned....she said her role will be that of a middle aged woman (older sister)! happy now?!!?!
Posted 30 Sep 2004

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