Guangzhou Branch General Manager Yi Chengbin this burst of comments is telling the floor industry flashy The nature below.
louvers for lanai in carribeanDue to the rise of raw materials, the corresponding increase in floor costs has become an indisputable fact. Therefore, since the beginning of this year,
Clear Plastic Deck Roofs the call for floor price increases has continued. However, during the interview, we discovered that flooring manufacturers had little difference before and after the holiday season.
fosil kayu sintetis Flooring manufacturers suffering from rising raw materials and other factors were at a crossroads. Survey by reporters Most businesses are still waiting to see reporters arriving at the home of the North Fourth Ring and visiting several floor brands. "Del's two floors have changed since the eleventh,
box steps and stairs for decks with the VRD series rising from the pre-holiday 125 yuan/square meter to the current 135 yuan, and the VK series has also risen to 118 yuan from the pre-holiday 113 yuan."
temporary fencing in killeenDel floor sales staff told reporters. Golden Eagle Iger's sales staff told reporters that the brand's price has been reduced by 15% from the pre-holiday price to 88% off the original price, and no longer sent "self-leveling." As for the macaw floor, which is mainly made of solid wood flooring,
Inground Pool With Homemade Wood Walls the sales staff told reporters that “the current sales price is an average of 80 yuan more than the same