Age: 124
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Preparation of Ramadhaan
AS THE GRAND MONTH APPROACHED, EVEN BEFORE THE CRESCENT COULD BE SIGHTED, Nabee (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) gathered the Sahaabah( radhiyallahu anhum )on the last day of Sha'baan and according to the narration of Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu anhu) addressed them thus: "O people, there comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in worth than a thousand months. It is a month in which Allah has made fasting incumbent during the day while farad-week salaah at night is Sunnah. Whoever tries to draw nearer to Allah by performing any virtuous deed will be given the reward of an obligatory act performed at times other than Ramadhaan. And whoever performs a fardh (obligatory act), will receive the reward of seventy faraaidh (plural of fardh) performed at other times. It is indeed a month of patience and the reward for patience is jannah."
While this is the kind of preparation Nabee (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) exhibited, we begin to stock our refrigerators with all kinds of food which we normally do not partake of during the other months of the year. Although it is totally permissible to purchase food and other items, it is not the kind of preparation that is required of a true Believer. Ramadhaan is a month of spiritual cleansing and devotion - freeing oneself from mundane secular affairs and devoting the maximum time for the Worship of Allah in the form of the recitation of the Qur'aan, zikr and optional Salaah. It is that time of the year when one’s batteries of Imaan' would be charged to a peak. As the Hadeeth of Salmaan (radhiyallahu anhu) exhorts us to perform the following four acts in abundance;
a) Recite the Kalimah Shahaadah profusely,
b) Seek forgiveness for one's sins,
c) Implore Allah for entry into Jannah,
d) Seek refuge from the Fire of Hell.
The ideal situation would be to free oneself completely from all secular matters and devote the entire month for Deen. The most beneficial way of spending Ramadhaan would be in the company of a pious saint or going out in the Path of Allah. Those who cannot free themselves completely could nevertheless use every spare moment and draw up a daily programme. Mundane activities that can be totally given up should be avoided. If something can be postponed till after Ramadhaan, it should certainly be postponed. Many tasks can be scaled down while one's working hours could be adjusted. Closing the business earlier than usual can allow more time for the recitation of the Qur'aan, while a longer lunch-break can allow for more rest so that one is fresh for taraaweeh salaah at night. Remember that your sustenance is pre-ordained and by having fewer business hours, it will not decrease your income. In fact, by devoting more time for Deen, there will be more blessings in one's livelihood.
Muslim employers should make concessions for their Muslim staff during this month and encourage them to use that time for Deen. Their workloads should be decreased to whatever extent possible.
Besides engaging in various forms of worship, it is absolutely essential to refrain from all forms of sin and not to ruin one's fast. Idle chatter usually leads to backbiting and slander and should be totally avoided.
Approach Ramadhaan with the correct concept and preparation. Be physically and spiritually geared up for this auspicious month by reading books on the virtues of Ramadhaan to the whole family. It will certainly bring about the desired change.