Whether it is solid wood flooring or parquet are required to keep the floor dry floor, shower out with particular attention should be paid, do not let water drops on the parquet above, if dropped on the water should be promptly wiped with a dry cloth. Otherwise it will cause the floor to bulge.Do not let direct sunlight parquet in the window edge to pay attention to, if it is the sun between the words when the sun is more intense in the summer must pay attention to the curtains, if the strong sunlight for a long time will cause the floor cracking. We must be careful not to scratch the wooden floor sharp items, especially when we move furniture, it is recommended to move furniture from the ground and then handling, not to drag directly, so will leave a deep mark on the floor.If the floor parquet dirty, it should be promptly cleaned, use a cotton cloth to wipe, it is best not to use detergent. Parquet maintenance is not required for waxing, as long as Xiaobian above for you to introduce a few daily maintenance can make solid wood parquet to keep bright and clean."
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