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PARIS, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- At France's defense and security council meeting on Wednesday, French President Francois Hollande expressed concerns over the
escalating violence in the Syrian city of Aleppo and also discussed ways to help
promote a lasting peace accord in Libya.

In a press release issued by his office, Hollande stressed ""the risk of a major humanitarian disaster while people are trapped in the siege of Aleppo.""

""France strongly condemns this escalation and mobilizes the UN Security Council, where everyone must assume its responsibilities,"" he added.

Following the visiting Libyan Premier Fayez al-Sarraj's request for help to restore stability and security in North Africa's main oil exporter, Hollande
discussed with ministers action needed to back reconciliation efforts and end
conflicts in that country, the statement added.

The French president also held talks on the recent foiled terrorist attacks in France and ways to increase vigilance and security measures amid the growing
terror alert.

Richard Hamilton promised himself that he wasn't going to cry ,
but when the time came to raise his Detroit Pistons' No.32 jersey to the rafters
he was overcome with emotion.

The retired former NBA scoring star returned to The Palace arena on Sunday, as the Pistons retired his number at halftime of a 104-98 loss to the Boston

Speaking to reporters before the game, Hamilton said it had been a soul-searching day but in a good way.

"I already cried three times, so I'm trying not to cry again today," Hamilton said.

It was an honor for Hamilton, not just because of his contributions to the team over the
years ,
but because it reflected a healing of sorts between him and the organization.

"Detroit, the fans, I love you. Thanks a lot," a tearful -Hamilton told the crowd of 20,100.

Hamilton was the leading scorer on the Pistons' 2003-04 NBA championship team which also included Chauncey Billups, Ben
Wallace ,
Tayshaun Prince and Rasheed Wallace.

That group was so dominant in the finals that they needed just five games to topple the Los Angeles Lakers who were led by the one-two punch of Shaquille
O'Neal and Kobe Bryant.

Those four former teammates were on hand for Sunday's celebration, and so was their coach Larry Brown, who simply filled out the starting roster then watched
that -veteran group do the rest.

"You made me better every day," said Billups, who was MVP of the 2004 NBA finals. "Not only did you make me better, you made our team better."

Hamilton last played with the Pistons in an acrimonious 2010-11 season. He had a falling--out with coach John Kuester and Detroit decided to buy-out
Hamilton's contract at the end of the season. That led to him joining the
Chicago Bulls.

"I didn't leave here on good terms ,"
Hamilton said. "Every day I was in that locker room with that Bulls uniform on,
it's like, 'This ain't me. I'm a Piston.'"

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- Space afficionados, who have queued for long hours, braving a scorching sun that sent the temperature above 37 degrees
Celsius ,
seem still patient -- just to get a chance to see the latest technology and
exploration in the space.

Saturday is the first day of the annual open house event at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. The two-day event is expected to attract 20,000 visitors daily.

Highlights of this year's exhibits include a life-size model of Mars Science Laboratory, demonstrations from numerous space missions, JPL's machine shop,
where robotic spacecraft parts are built, and the Microdevices
Lab ,
where engineers and scientists use tiny technology to revolutionize space

Just on Friday, Ashwin Vasavada, a Mars Science Laboratory project scientist at JPL in Pasadena, Southern California, confirmed to media that lakes existed
on Mars some 3.8 billion to 3.3 billion years ago. The conclusion came from data
collected in the past three years by the Curiosity rover which was designed,
built ,
launched and operated under collaboration of JPL and NASA's other departments.
There is a detailed introduction of the rover in the "Mars Exploration"
exhibition during the open house event.

The exhibition also includes a full-scale model of the InSight lander, NASA's next mission to Mars, and visitors can learn how it will "see" down to Mars'

"It's cool," said Ethan, a six-year-old boy from Irvine in Southern California, standing in front of the InSight model which is about four to five
meters long and more than two meters high with shiny metal cover.

JPL said previous missions to Mars have investigated the surface history of the red planet by examining features like
canyons ,
volcanoes, rocks and soil, but no one has attempted to investigate the planet's
earliest evolution -- its building blocks -- which can only be found by looking
far below the surface. So InSight was designed and built to find it out. It will
be launched in March next year and is expected to land on Mars in September.

"I really want to know if there was any life on Mars before, and what are the other differences between it and our Earth besides the color," said Ethan.

Young students and kids are active in the open house event, asking all kinds of questions. They were allowed to feel the static electricity and learn how to
control it. And almost every one of them want to lie down to let a rolling robot
to climb over their bodies.

"There's a lot of fun here ,"
said 38-year-old Eleen Marchell who brought her 14-year-old daughter and
seven-year-old son to have a taste of "space exploration" at the open house.

Even adults enjoy the exhibits. Martin Brussell discussed with his friends about how the communication systems in spacecrafts work.

"Everybody has limited knowledge, bu.

Posted 14 Jul 2018

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