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KhOsH AMeded RAMZANul MUbarik.

kiya waqaeyy asa   hay yah moghy asa lagta hay ..har soo roshny hay rahmeet barees rahy hay
dill may sakoon hi sakoon hay..
ALLAH tera lakh lakh shokar hay to nay hamy RAMDAN UL MUBARIK jesy mahh say nawaza

Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

may KEY JANY wale ibadaet yah koi bhi
kay bary may INFOrmation app kay pass hay to plz   yah post karreyn ..

Posted 13 Oct 2004

Guest_005 says

Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 13 Oct 2004

shaista says


Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
>B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m
> R a m a d a a n
>Surah Al Baqarah 2:185
>"Ramadaan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'aan
>as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and
>judgement (between right and wrong) ...."
>Alhamdu'lillaahi wa Kafaa, wa Salaamun 'alaa 'Ibaadihilladzeenastafaa
>Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
>Dear Brothers & Sisters,
>I pray you are in strength of eemaan and in full gear ready to make a good start this Ramadaan, inshaa'Allaah.
>Abu Hurairah (radhiallâhu ânhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam said: "Ramadaan has come to you - a blessed month. Allah has made obligatory upon you its fasting. In it, the gates of Heaven are open, the gates of the Hellfire are closed and the evil devils are chained. To Allah belongs a night in it, which is better than a thousand months. Whosoever is prevented from its good, then he has been deprived." (reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa'ee. See Ahmad Shaakir's checking of the Musnad (no. 7148) and Saheeh At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of Al-Albaanee (1490) as well as Tamaam-ul-Mannah (395)
>The hadeeth is a glad tiding to the righteous servants of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, of the coming of the blessed month of Ramadaan. The Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam informed his companions of its coming and it was not just a simple relaying of news. Rather, his intent was to give them the glad tidings of a magnificent time of the year, so that the righteous people who are quick to do deeds can give it its due estimate. This is because the Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam explained in it (the hadeeth) what Allah Ta'ala has prepared for His servants from the ways towards gaining forgiveness and His contentment and they are many ways. So whosoever has forgiveness escape from him during the month of Ramadaan, then he has been deprived with the utmost deprivation.
>Being able to reach Ramadaan is a magnificent bounty in itself, bestowed upon the one who reaches it and rises to its occasion, by standing in prayer during its night and fasting during its day. In it, he returns to his Protector -- from disobeying Him to obeying Him, from neglecting Him to remembering Him, from remaining distant from Him to turning towards Him in submissive repentance.
>A Muslim must be conscious of this bounty and acknowledge its magnitude. For indeed, many people are prevented from fasting, either because they die before they reach it or because they are not capable of observing it or because they oppose and turn away from it. Thus, the one who fasts must give praise to his Lord for this bounty and should welcome this month with the joy and delight that a magnificent time of the year out of all the occasions for performing obedience is welcomed. He should exert himself deeply in doing good deeds. And he should invoke Allaah to grant him fasting and standing in night prayer and that He provide him with seriousness, enthusiasm, strength and energy in that month. And that He awaken him from heedless oversleeping so that he may take advantage of these virtuous times of good. (Excerpts from "The Approach of Ramadaan by Sheikh Abdullaah ibn Salih al-Fawzaan)
>However, there are questions we should ask ourselves as Ramadaan draws nears - questions such as, what does Ramadaan mean to us personally? What are our plans for this Ramadaan? How do we attain taqwaa and tazkiyah?
>I have attached below some excellent advice by Ustaadz Ayub Hamid in answer to the above questions entitled: "Ramadaan: What does it mean to you?" "My Plans for this Ramadaan," and "Having Taqwaa, Attaining Tazkiyah" - inshaa'Allah, you will find them beneficial.
>"Allahumma sal-limni li-ramadhaana wa-sal-lim ramadhaana li wa-sal-limhu li muta-qab-bala"
>"O Allah! Protect me (from such sicknesses, diseases, etc. that will prevent me from observing the fast of Ramadaan, make the month of Ramadhaan clear for me (let not the crescent be obscure in the beginning and end of Ramadaan for fear that a doubt may arise in the observance and omission of fasting) and save me from sins in the month of Ramadaan so that my acts of worship are accepted and not nullified." (Hayaatus Sahaabah Vol. 3 Pg. 275)
>May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make us from amongst those who are foremost in attaining good deeds.
>Fi Amman Allah
Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 13 Oct 2004

Guest_005 says
Masha Allah rani


Please sab mujhay bhi yaad rakhna duain main ....main aik gunah gar insan hoon plz
Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
JB Ka Raja said:

Masha Allah rani


Please sab mujhay bhi yaad rakhna duain main ....main aik gunah gar insan hoon plz

   ary raja ...   thanx   tum to itnay achay ho or ALLAH dillon kay razz janny walla hay

Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Ramadan (pronounced "rom-a-don") is the holiest period in the Islamic year. It commemorates the month in the year 610 CE when revelations began from God, via the angel Gabriel, to the Prophet Muhammad. These revelations memorized by Muhammad and were later written down as the Qur'an.

During this month, almost all Muslims over the age of 12 are expected to "abstain from food, drink and other sensual pleasures" from the first light of dawn until sunset. 1 Muslims may opt-out of observing Ramadan for health reasons. The Qur'an states:

"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint...Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting ..." Chapter 2, verses 183 and 185.
Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
The purposes, discipline, and activities of Ramadan:
"The fast is performed to learn discipline, self-restraint and generosity, while obeying God’s commandments. Fasting (along with the declaration of faith, daily prayers, charity, and pilgrimage to Mecca) is one of the 'five pillars' of Islam." 2 Muslims who fall within one of the following categories may elect to not observe the fast:

Children under the age of puberty.
People who are mentally incapacitated or not responsible for their actions.
The elderly.
The sick.
Travelers who are on journeys of more than about fifty miles.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Women who are menstruating.
Those who are temporarily unable to fast must make up the missed days at another time, or feed the poor.

Young children are encouraged to fast as much as they are able. 2

Muslims may engage in a number of activities during Ramadan:

Some read the entire Qur'an.
Taraweeh prayers are said every evening during Ramadan.
Muhammad observed Al-I'etikaaf (retreat) during the last ten days of Ramadan. Some contemporary Muslims do the same by staying in the mosque over a number of days. They store provisions in a corner of the mosque, and engage in spiritual pursuits, such as prayer, recitation of the Qur'an, glorification of Allah, studying the Hadith, etc.
Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
Ahlan wa Sahlan ya Ramadan ...

Posted 13 Oct 2004

Ramazan Mubarik to all Jb frnds
Posted 13 Oct 2004

sab ko ramzan mubarak

Good job sofee

bakee batain baad main
Posted 13 Oct 2004

friend_16 says

Ramazan is a blessing for us .. is month ka aik aik lamha is really percious for us .. don't waste a single sec of ur life in Ramazan ...

Aur Qabooliat ka waqat Sehri aur Aftari kay waqat bohat ziada hota hai .. so keep this in ur mind .. n ladies don't busy ur self at the time of Aftari .. (ye reh gia kahanay main, wo reh gia ..) these things really dosn't matter ... wo qabooliat ka waqat hota hai .. try to avail it!! ...

WITH BEST WISHES N PRAYERS ... remember ur JB family while praying..
Posted 13 Oct 2004

It is heartening to read such inspiring msgs from young people. I admire your love and passion for Ramadhan. Scholars take Ramadhan as a litmus test for how Muslim Ummah responds to it. Pls keep me in your sincere dua in your sujood while you pray tahajjud and before breaking fasts as these are the times of acceptance of dua.

Pls remember as I remind myself tht Allah likes people who do good and continue to do good. If you leave something that is inappropriate according to the teachings of Islam, do not revive them after Ramadhan. Likewise, if you take on some good practices, pls do not leave em after Ramadhan either. Rituals do not bring blessings, worship and especially prayers draw blessings and mercy of Allah and earn freedom from Hellfire. Prayers are syed-ul-azkar. Those who are neglectful of their prayers, pls remember, no other act of worship will be looked up on the day of Judgement if one is short on prayers. Just like no act of worship will be accepted if one didn't believe in the oneness of Allah.

Posted 13 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

Posted 14 Oct 2004

Guest_005 says
nice Rani ji good
Posted 14 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
thanx raja
Posted 14 Oct 2004

Guest_005 says
rani no thanks wanksssss
Posted 14 Oct 2004

tarash says
sab ko mubarak ho
Posted 14 Oct 2004

Guest_005 says
Posted 15 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
tarash said:

sab ko mubarak ho

   same tooo u
Posted 15 Oct 2004

friend_16 says
probably kal he first roza hai ... raat ko confirm hoo jaiy ga..
Posted 15 Oct 2004

shaista says
humare yahan to aaj roza hai. sub ko mubarek ho!

Posted 15 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
han jee inshallah..
or ajj say   ...tarvih start ho jayn gyeee

Tarawih prayer during the nights of Ramdan:

And the Prophet (S.A.W.) says: "Whoever prays during the nights of Ramadan with a firm belief and seeks Allah’s pleasure and reward will have his previous sins forgiven." {Reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.}

Night prayer in Ramadan [Al-Tarawih> has its distinct virtues. The prophet (S.A.W.) was the first who prayed in congregation in the Masjid and then left it for fear that it would be made obligatory on his Ummah: In the authentic Hadith narrated by ‘Aisha (R.A.) "The Prophet (S.A.W.)

offered Salah in the Masjid and many people prayed with him. Then the people gathered on the third and fourth night but the Prophet (S.A.W.) did not come out to them. In the morning, he (S.A.W.) said to them: "Surely, I saw what you did, and nothing prevented me from coming out to you, save that I feared that [the prayer> would be made obligatory upon you. (And that was during Ramadan.)" People used to pray Tarawih individually until the Khilafah of Umar (R.A.). Then, he gathered them under one Imam in congregation.

Posted 15 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says
By sighting of the new crescent:
Because of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) saying, "When you see the new crescent (of the month of Ramadan), start fasting." {Reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.}

There is no requirement that each person sees it by himself. Rather, if it is seen by one just person, fasting becomes obligatory on the whole ummah. A Bedouin came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and said, "I have seen the crescent of Ramadan." And he (S.A.W.) said, "Do you bear witness there is no deity of worship except Allah?" And the Bedouin said, "Yes!" The Prophet said, "Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah?" The man said, "Yes!" The Prophet said, "O Bilal announce to the people to start fasting tomorrow." {Authentic Hadith reported by the group except Imam Ahmed.} In addition Abdullah-bin-Umar (R.A.) said "The people went to see the crescent; and I told the Prophet (S.A.W.) that I have seen it. He fasted and ordered the people to fast." {Atlantic Hadith reported by Imams Abu-Dawud and Al-Hakim.}

Posted 15 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

By completing thirty days of the month of Sha’ban:
Because of Allah’s Messenger (S.A.W.) saying, "Start fasting on seeing it (the new crescent of Ramadan) and give up fasting when you see it (the new crescent of Shawwal), and if the sky is overcast (and you cannot see it), complete thirty days of Sha’ban." {Reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.}

Astronomical calculations are not accepted to establish the beginning of the month. This is agreed upon by all scholars. For a man said to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.), "Do we not calculate for it?" He (S.A.W.) said "No! We are unlettered Umamah (nation) who can neither write nor count. The month is thus, and thus, (and the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) pointed with his hand fingers.)" {Reported by Imam Muslim.}

And also, the prophet (S.A.W.) confined precisely in a clear statement "when you see the crescent (of Ramadan) start fasting." {Reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.} Surely, beginning of the month is by seeing the crescent, not by its presence.

It does not matter if the new moon has been sighted in a different location this is according to the majority of scholars. In other words, after the new moon is seen anywhere in the world, it becomes obligatory for all Muslims to begin fasting, as the Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "Fast due to its sighting and break the fast due to its sighting." This Hadith is a general address directed to the whole Muslim Ummah without boundary – that is, "if any one of you sees the moon in any place, then that will be a sighting for all of the people."

Imam As-Shaf’I’s opinion that for every territory and regain is its own sighting and they are not obligated to follow the sighting of others.

Posted 15 Oct 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

How many rak’at are there in Tarawih prayer?

The scholars have differed on this matter. With Witr, there are those who said 41, and 39, and 29, and 23, and 19, and 13, and 11…. The best and the strongest of these opinions is that it is 11 including Witr. ‘Aisha (R.A.) reported that:" ‘She was asked how was the prayer of the Prophet (S.A.W.) in Rammadan?’ And she said ‘He (S.A.W.) would not pray more than eleven rak’at during Ramadan or otherwise." {Reported by Imams Bukari and Muslim.} And ibn ‘Abas (R.A.) said, "The prayer of the Prophet (S.A.W.) was thirteen rak’at (meaning prayer of the night). {Reported by Imam Bukhari.} This is also confirmed by narration of Imam Malik in his ‘Mu-wa-‘ta’ with authentic chain: "Umar bin Al-khatab (R.A.) ordered Ubayy ibn K’ab and Tamiman Al-Dari (R.A.) to lead the prayer in Tarawih for eleven rak’at."

The early Muslims used to pray the Taraweeh prayer. Assae’eb bin Yazeed said: "The Imam used to read hundreds of verses and we used to use the staff to help us stand up from the lengthy standing." This is contrary to what many Muslim do these days. The people today pray the Taraweeh with great speed so that the recitation is almost not understood. So we should be really cautious.

Since Ramadan is coming soon, we should prepare ourselves for it. We should prepare ourselves to pray the Taraweeh in the Masjid in congregation with the Imam and not to leave until the Imam has finished it and finished the Witr prayer so that we all gain the rewards of praying the whole night. The prophet (S.A.W.) said: "Whoever prays with the Imam until he leaves, it is considered as Qi-yam of one night."

The scholars have a consensus that women are allowed to come to pray the Taraweeh in the Masjid with men if they are wearing the Hijab, and men should not prevent the women from coming to the Masjid. Imams Bukhari and Muslim reported that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: "Do not prevent women from coming to the Massajid."

It is a must that women should have a designated place in the Masjid in the back of it like it was during the life of the prophet (S.A.W.) and that they start with the last row unlike men. Imam Muslim reported that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: "The best of the men's rows [In salat (prayer)> is the first row and the worst row is the last; but the best of the women's row is the last row and the worst of their rows is the first."

For those women who come to the Masjid for the congregation prayer, they should leave the Masjid as soon as the Imam makes Tasleem, or they should have special doors for them to leave the Masjid from, so that they would not mingle with men. Imam Bukhari reported that Umu Salamah (R.A.) said: "When the prophet (S.A.W.) used to make Tasleem, the women got up and left while the prophet (S.A.W.) remained shortly in his place before he got up. She said: this is (Allah knows best) because the prophet (S.A.W.) wanted the women to leave before the men can catch up with them."

Posted 15 Oct 2004

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