-|-Say Thz -|-

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Age: 42
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Neutral Zone,
Give thanks to Allah, For the moon and the stars Praise Him all day for what it and what was Take hold of your "Iman" Don't give in to "Shaitan" Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah. Allahu Gafur, Allahu Rahim, Allahu Yuhib-ul-Muhsinin, Wa Khalikuna, Wa Razikuna, Wahua Alla Kulli Shai-in Kadir Allah is Gafur, Allah is Rahim, Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin, He is a creater, He is a sustainer And He is the one who has power over all. Give thanks to Allah...
Posted 16 Oct 2004

Posted 16 Sep 2018

Posted 19 Oct 2018

Posted 06 Nov 2018

Posted 19 Nov 2018

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