but cuts and polishes to very long

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quickly dig a to grow the short dike of 30 meters around.Under the sistuation that time is too late, Su the small tiger(front the chapter
beat wrong become the stone in Russia of small building, sorry) is A.J. Reed Astros Jersey resolute the dike giving up traditional long Qian to construct a way
and change to a short dike of irregular form of this kind of layer.
Space Lang plum loose the colonel is immediately built way
attraction by this kind of after arriving, but cuts and polishes to very
long and always have no idea this kind of look like miscellaneous
disorderly have no chapter of the short dike has what function, finally
have to let go of the proud open mind begs to teach, but Su small tiger
to this expedition soldier arrive to start to Alex Bregman Astros Jersey be horizontal the Shu picking a nose picking the guy hatred of eye to
read rather and deeply, in brief a "time shortage" copes with to settle a
dispute and pour is thank a Ru wing to smile to point out where is
wrong path:"Colonel, if you once fished and then Be getting more
Go fishing?Space Lang plum loose the colonel start still thinking
being language difference causing to translate a mistake, until together
come of French second lieutenant's drawing after a fish net everyone is
just gradual understand, the short dike in multiple layers folding is a
Shai eye, under the circumstance that the shortage in time can not
build to need few days even several genius Andrew Aplin Astros Jersey ability perfect defences, that Su's general chooses a more in brief
short dike, these short dikes will become them to go forward until
German infantry can become flowing water medium have to cross
of"roadblock".Space Lang plum loose colonel cry up second lieutenant,
after many years thank a Ru wing just know, this second lieutenant call
Er square Si-Zhu An.
Su the small tiger is in fact true to have no time to explain what
call Shai eye dike also is not likely to tell them the military tactics
for using this kind of dugout, in fact in addition to once accepted a
disciplinal national defense soldier 5 teachers and 8 teachers outside
moreover three reserve service teachers don't know as well how use, just
finally can take lining up as 5 teachers unit dozen spread to assign to
three rest teachers to garrison dugout, is acted as by 8 teachers to
always prepare a brigade.
Setting up Andy Pettitte Astros Jersey to make to completely disrupt to result in isn't small confusion, also
don't wait fusion to probe to connect and then report that the German
Army appear outside 15 kilometers."Space Lang plum loose colonel, I
ignore you use what way!In an hour, all residents of Ba Zang Ku Er have
to withdraw to walk!"Face a Su ordering strictly of small tiger, this
time space Lang plum loose colonel didn't any useless talk execute an
order, under effort of the him and French military officer, just was
relieved good good will of still useless passionate body to thank
Chinese soldier's women to lead off to withdraw, after the first car
brigade drove to leave soon, like forty explosion already from west the
noodles spread.
Posted 21 Aug 2018

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