say to pour into him all strenuous efforts

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Remember!The existence problem that solves factory first is the just the most important, which afraid be like to make permitting of the first
metal airplane a gram of company so, exclusively make the Jack Reinheimer Authentic Jersey water- heater of oneself's brand, can also acquire the depletion of
enough profits subsidy technique investment."
"I just of the words probably also weighed, but still hoped you like
well hard, the technique wants to hold firmly, this is the key to
future development, and money also wants to actively earn!Then two legs
can walk steady."Yang Qiu finishes saying, starts to clap an airplane
and says with smile:"Do not calm and steady face, just I thought of two
ways, probably can help you."
His words shake awake 2 people like the Mu drum morning
sound.Technique revolution be not accomplish in one move of, need to be
pumped capital into and the experiment in regularly tired month, so the
problem that Jake Barrett Authentic Jersey really arrived to need to solve existence first otherwise starve to
estimate to also develop not to come out.Particularly thick week Kun,
this airplane could say to pour into him all strenuous efforts,
otherwise early can go to abroad and enjoy high pay by his
ability.Reveal blemish to appreciate very much to Yang Qiu, say:"Deputy
president say, please."
Yang Qiu walks to side in the motor and did a signal for gathering
together, took out the concept of double wasp 10 years in advance and
said:"Now that the motor from Chongqing is 9 air cylinders are 350
horsepowers, that do you why not increase the amount of air cylinders?"
Expect jade Zao just wanted say increase an air cylinder processed a
difficulty will Gao Yi Bei, but Yang Qiu already continue say:"You
wanted to have no, if can two set motors the back is weighed by back Jake Buchanan Authentic Jersey to pile up, the formation double layer is 18 air cylinders, so
horsepower not is increase a lot?There is also propeller, I listen to a
little bit foreign friends once say, they are developing three leaves
and four leaves' propellers, and already some achievements, the
efficiency makes leaf's propeller is much high, you might as well also
try and see."
Two set motor be the back weighed by back to pile up?!
Week the thick Kun is at present a bright, he is to have never
wanted to increase air cylinder, but increase an air cylinder
manufacturing difficulty for Gao Yi Bei each time, if increase 11 air
cylinders manufacturing the difficulty will be high 5 times!Existingly
process level, raise so big difficulty quality a while affirmative don't
compose.But if two set motors the back is weighed by Jake Lamb Authentic Jersey back to pile up a technique the top can carry out, and can make use of
Chongqing already first step mature of existing technique, even if throw
away self-respect and mutual interference and offset parts of power
loss, can attain 600 horsepowers most at least as well, wait through how
many years to process and the material technique go up, isn't that the
prospect is better?
As for increase the propeller number of blades is to open moreover a
window for 2 people, they early listen to foreign someone at develop
three oar leaf, but suffer from have no efficient whether the data
increased, insurance sees still keep choosing traditional double of
leaf's propellers, by so on reminding, Yang Qiu there is also the
viewpoint to grow to immediately begins.
Posted 09 Sep 2018

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