
Age: 125
Total Posts: 10089
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Being a Muslim.. Pakistani did u ever find out whts the difference between us n the rest of the world??
Everything that is happening in other countries are also a part of our country and society now. Firstly, lets see what are the similarities, I m talking about:
As a Muslim firstly, do we perform our duties? Duties includes Namaz, Zakat, Haqooq-ul-Allah n Haqooq-ul-Ebad..
Secondly, wht is the difference between our ways of life and theirs? How many hours of the day, we listen to music and how many MINUTES we listen or read Quran?(other than ramazan)
Our way of talking, eating, sitting everything is now so called MODERN, who are we following and who should we follow??
Every bad crime is happening in our society, from stealing to murder, anyone who is taking step to stop this?? In Islam, punishment of stealing is to cut off the right hand of the person, nowadays our new generation is stealing for the sake of fun, to try something new, to bring a thrill in life?!? and the rest who have made their means of life through stealing, corruption, etc. Are we Muslims?
People in our society are making utmost efforts to make "jaidads" for their children, no matter they are earning from “Halal” or “Haram”, They don't care whether they have to take Rishwat or Sood.
In our society, small children are working in workshops, stores and other places. Aren't they supposed to study like us? What is their fault if they we born in poor families? Aren't we supposed to teach them or help financially or educationally so that they can study too?
One side there is extremely rich people, who often asks people where to spend their money? at the other side, people are dieing because of hunger, extremely cold or hot temperature, etc. Why don't we feel the pain?
In our society, vulgarity is so common often we have to think, are we Muslims?
Just visit our film industry, our models? Who are following?
Our Mosques aren't safe today and we live in an Islamic state.
Brother is killing brother for his profit, for any other worldly thing?
Why there is so jealously, hatred among us. What is the reason behind all this? Have u ever thought this way?
Are we going to ignore this again as we do.. or still the EMAN inside us is alive???