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( In the name of God; the beneficent, the merciful )
Islam & Sufi'ism or Tasawwuf.
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"Travel beyond the confines of this life and see the vastness of His (God) kingdom beyond space. Let your ear listen to what it has not heard before, and your eye see what it has not seen before, until it leads you to where you see the One, who created this world and all the other worlds. Express your passion for the One from your heart and soul until you see the Reality with an eye of certainty. There is only One and nothing but Him, He is Alone and there is no God but Him." ( Imam Muhammad Ibne Ali AL-Baqir 11th century C.E. )
"Asceticism is not that you should not own anything, but that nothing should own you." ( Ali Ibn-e Abu Talib 600-61 )
"You fancy this world is permanent of itself, and endures because of it's own nature, but really it is a ray of light from the Truth, and within it the Truth is concealed." ( Sa'd Al-Din Mahmud Shab-istari 1250-1320 )
"The ocean is the same ocean as it has always been of old; the events of today are it's waves and it's rivers." ( Sayyid Haydar Amuli - 14th century )
"In the begnning was Allah, and beside Him there was nothing - and He remains as He was." ( Hadith )
"Divine unity ( tawhid ) is the return of man to his origin, so that he will become as he was before he came into being." ( Imam Abul Qasim Al-Junaid 910 AD )
"I was a hidden treasure, and I longed to be known. So, I created the Creation so that I may be known." ( Hadith Qudsi )
"In the death of the self lies the life of the heart." ( Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq - 8th century Christian Era )
"Work for this life, as though you are going to live forever. Work for the life hereafter, as though you will die tommorrow." ( Hazrat Ali Ibn-e Abu Talib - 600-661 Christian Era )
"I was sent from myself as a messenger to myself. And my essence testified to myself by my signs." ( Ibn Ali-Farid 1181-1235 )
"When I ( Allah ) love my servant.... I become the ear, with which he hears, the eyes, with which he sees, the hand, with which he grasps, the feet, with which he walks, the tongue, by which he speaks." ( Hadith Qudsi )
"All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop." ( Kabir 1450-1518 )
"The Sufi sees his own existence as particles of dust made visible by a ray of sunlight: neither real nor unreal." ( Abul Hasan Ash-Shadhili 1175 - 1258 )
"Your soul attains to perfection when it returns to it's original sublime state, according to the individual capacity of each person. Thus the soul divests itself of all illusion and refines itself with the subtlety of it's own secret by means of spiritual exercises aimed at purification of the outer and the inner from all obscurity and impurity." ( Sayyid Haydar Amuli 14th century )
"Allah possesses a drink which is reserved for his intimate friends (auliya): when they drink they become intoxicated, when they become intoxicated they become joyful, when they become joyful they become sweet, when they become sweet they begin to melt, when they begin to melt they become free, when they become free they seek, when they seek they find, when they find they arrive, when they arrive they join, and when they join there is no difference between them and their Beloved." ( Ali Ibn-e Abu Talib 600-661 )
"..... None grasps Him save He Himself. None knows Him but He Himself... He knows Himself by Himself... Other-than-He cannot grasp Him. His impenetrable veil is His own Oneness. Other-than-He does not cloak Him. His veil is His very existence. He is veiled by His Oneness in a manner that cannot be explained. Other-than-He does not see Him; whether prophet, envoy, or prefected saint or angel near unto Him. His prophet is He Himself. His envoy is He. His message is He. His word is He. He has sent word of His ipseity by Himself, from Himself to Himself, without intermediary or causality other than Himself...Other-than-He has no existence and so cannot bring itself to naught..." ( From Introduction to Sufism - by Muhy-ud-Din ibn-e Arabi in his Epistle on Unity, the Risalat al Ahadiyah )
( Paraphrased: According to the fundamental formula of Islam, the 'testimony' known in Arabic as the shahadah: )
There is no divinity, if it be not The Divinity ( la ilaha ill-Allah ) which, so to say, 'defines' the Divine Unity. This formula should be translated as here indicated and not, as usually the case, 'there is no god but Allah', for it is proper to retain in it the appearance of ... paradox.
Its first part, 'the negation'..., denies in a general manner the same idea of divinity which the second part, the 'affirmation'... affirms by isolation; in other words the formula as a whole postulates an idea -- that of divinity -- which at the same time it denies as a genus. This is the exact opposite of a 'definition', for to define something means first to determine its 'specific difference' and then to bring it to the 'nearest genus,' i.e. to general concepts. Now as the shahadah indicates, Divinity is 'defined' precisely by the fact that Its reality eludes ever category...
According to this 'testimony; God is distinct from all things and nothing can be compared to Him... Now perfect incomparability requires that nothing can be set face to face with the incomparable and have any relationship whatever with it; this amounts to saying that nothing exists in face of the Divine Reality so that, in It, all things are annihilated. 'God was and nothing with Him and He is now such as He was' ( hadith qudsi ).
Thus extreme 'remoteness' must imply its opposite. Since nothing can be opposed to God -- for it would then be another 'divinity' -- every reality can only be a reflection of the Divine Reality. Moreover, every positive meaning one might give to the expression ilah (divinity) will be transposed in divinis: 'there is no reality if it be not The Reality', 'there is no force if it be not The Force', 'there is no truth if it is not The Tru