political turn quite a few month time

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hope to subsidize University of Peking and Chin Hua university by the name that attends to Wei Jun, also want to start a few schoolses in old
house in Guangzhou.Moreover, his father also hopes to get hold of Jake Guentzel Authentic Jersey mining of western two coal mines in Borneos power and lets me arranges
somehow for her to say with autonomous region there, she provides 20,000
the ton the high-quality coal to the Na soil Na base monthly after
still promising to mine."
"And benefits all had and poured is beat all alone good abacus."Yang
Qiu Leng is cold a smile.Although he feels that attending to Wei Jun is
quite good, not the representative likes this way and turns round to
say:"The thunder is fierce, send telegram to the premier.Ba Yu Zao wants
to organize the person take part in the aviation exhibition of Shi Nai
De in France at the beginning of next month, this matters to fasten an
our country airplane to open an international market and attends to Wei
Jun to acquaint with France to make him be responsible for for a
while.Still have, Joe Mullen Authentic Jersey navy subordinate the month will also visit France to talk over matter
of buying and also make him take part in a negotiation."
Again is an airplane is navy again, this equals to let to attend to
Wei Jun to escape from a local political turn quite a few month time.Lyu
Bi Cheng blinked to blink eyes and waited thunder fierce walk to ask a
way behind:"Chen China, you want to let he temporarily leave, or
prohibit to have."Her words haven't finished saying, the Rui precious
jade walked to come in:"Chen China, pure elder sister.Have a meal, have
what etc. will say again."
Yang Qiu doesn't want as well to all too soon talk this matter,
underneath of the conflict is obvious, so send to walk to attend to a
current warning of Wei Jun the meaning for a while this time, have
already made those officials who peep cabinet position understand as
well, this matter return the round don't arrive them to point hand
painting feet.
After 3 people walk to Justin Schultz Authentic Jersey have meal hall, the seedling Luo also at the right moment comes
downstairs.Yang Jia is already to have a thriving family at present, the
madams born two five female kids of three males for him, the biggest
Yang Tian Lei has been 15 years old, just 2-year-old little daughter,
Yang Si Yu, is the before last year what Lyu Bi Cheng living, open hand a
milk voice milk spirit to run to shout father to embrace.
Yang Qiu also imitated a Buddha to forget just of affair, start to
embrace a little daughter kiss under just just sat down, outside and
suddenly spread the brake voice of a burst of rush.
Just prepared the seedling Luo sitting down to hear voice to
immediately walk toward the doorway to, just just walked several step
see a strict jade autumn urgently and in a hurry walk to come in, don't
know whether walked faster too urgently, two cheek Fei red silks were
also a bit in great disorder.
Yang Qiu embraces Kris Letang Authentic Jersey a daughter, madam aside the children large groups appearance make the
strict jade autumn tiny tiny a foolish, if the heart bottom blasts open
one to cry Zao.Seedling Luo the heart is finest, see unable to decide
air's knowing is just thinking what, hurriedly and first ask a way:"The
autumn of the jade has what matter?"
The words make the strict jade autumn abrupt however wake up with a
start, the finger is starting to hang up in great disorder hair and
taking out to bring of telegram:"Is what the United States delivers
come, the shell Zu Yi says this matter 100,000 very urgent, you reply
Posted 22 Sep 2018

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