sumthin new i wanna see....where is everyone from (well the people who are reading this topic).......holla back tdot canadians does western life differs from the eastern life?....i know east is east and west is west.......
Queen of jb
Age: 125
7394 days old here
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Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands
Totaly different EAST OR WEST PAKISTAN IS THE BEST..... Many people think that the East is the only home of occultism, but this is far from being the case.Every race has had, and still has, its traditional, guarded wisdom, revealed to the few and concealed from the many. Our own Western tradition traces its origin to Egypt, with tributaries from Chaldea, Greece, and the fierce Norse tradition. It comes down to us through the Qabalists and Alchemists, and it is alive and active at the present day.