greatly affects a material

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Radiation is transmitted or emitted energy in the form of waves or particles. Radiation includes electro-magnetic radiation such as radio
waves Cheap Minnesota Vikings
 , x-rays, alpha and beta rays in addition to acoustic radiation
such as ultrasound and seismic waves. Radiation could refer to either the
energy, waves, or particles which are being radiated.

Radiation is both an inherent by-product of many technologies that we depend upon, and also a
great threat to human health and safety. While radiation exposure is in some
ways inevitable, we are exposed to radiation every time we step outside in the
form of UV rays, radiation can nevertheless pose significant health risks.
Ionizing radiation can damage the chemical bonds between molecules and even
damage the DNA of the affected cells. Moreover, exposure to ionizing radiation
is known to increase the risks for cancer. Radiation causes micro damage to the
living tissue that result in skin burns. Continuous high level exposure to
radiation can lead to radiation sickness which includes cell damage. Even low
level exposures can cause damage if the time of the exposure is significant.
Beyond the health risks posed to humans, radiation can also have detrimental
effects on the environment.

Various methods are used to protect individuals and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation, otherwise
known as Radiation Shielding. Radiation shielding is the preparation or
discipline of utilizing methods and materialsto protect the living forms on
earth from the dangerous effects of radiation. Some materials are better suited
than others to act as a ‘shielding’ material, whereby the radiation is either
mitigated or absorbed by the material, thereby lessening or preventing some of
the dangerous rays from transmitting. Effective radiation shielding materials
are generally those with high densities, with lead being the most commonly used
shielding material to date.

Today, we utilize many important technologies which produce radiation, such as nuclear power plants, medical
x-ray procedures, and many more. In such cases, it is extremely important to
utilize effective radiation shielding materials so as to still be able to use
the necessary technologies while minimizing the damaging effects of the
transmitted radiation.

It is absolutely essential to utilizereliable materials for shielding so as to avoid these damaging effects of ionizing
radiation. It is crucial to note that not all the materials are capable for
shielding. Hence, it becomes very necessary to use a consistent and effectual
material for the shielding. The effectiveness of the materials used in shielding
depends upon the thickness of the materials used. The alpha, beta and gamma
radiation can be stopped by the varying the thickness of the materials used.

Density is another aspect which greatly affects a materials’ shielding effectiveness.Because of its high density, and because it is a relatively
abundant and cheap material, lead has been used as the radiation shielding
material of choice because it is particularly good at absorbing damaging rays.
With that said, lead is associated with its own health risks, and as a result
there is growing demand for lead-free shielding materials.
Starting your own business is risky but?

Isn?t it just as risky if not more so to be working for someone else?

If you have watched the news or read a paper over the past year I am sure that you realize that we are in a recession. The
facts are indisputable.

Here in the US we have had the Wall Street bailout, the big 3 car companies have been to Washington with their hand out and
the whole structure of the economy is changing.

The days of going to work for a company and it lasting your life time are gone. Rare is the person who has
been with the same company for their whole career.

In our area when Bethlehem Steel went bankrupt quite a few people who had retired and thought
they were set for their retirement lost their medical coverage completely.
People who had worked for them for thirty plus years had now lost something that
they were depending on.

This placed a huge burden on them and their families and they were totally unprepared for it.

Will this be happening for the Big 3? Not sure but it definitely is a huge risk for those that have
retired and even more so for those that work there and are dependent upon a
pension from them for their retirement. The bad part is that those companies are
not alone.

It is becoming more and more common for this to happen in the new world environment.

Compare that to the risk of running your own business?

Either way you can fail and find yourself behind the eight ball but at least you have some control of your own fate with your own

The biggest thing that stops people from starting their own business is the costs not the risks. After all who wouldn?t want to be able to
control their fate and not be at the whim of even the best companies. After all
40 years ago getting into one of the Big 3 car companies seemed like a perfect
way to be set for life. Not so sure the average UAW member feels that way

For brick and mortar businesses the costs can be enormous. Want to start a Mc Donald?s franchise and it is a 7 figure investment. Even to start a
small retail establishment can easily be into 6 figures.

That is the beauty of an online business. The costs are much less although despite what you
will see from various sales letters there are costs involved.

Just as important though is that it is possible to start an online business with out
giving up your current job. It also gives you access to a world wide

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Posted 08 Oct 2018

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