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BEIJING Cheap Tahir Whitehead Jersey , May 23 (Xinhua) -- Local governments and schools have been told to promote student health and physical education (PE) courses.

Three circulars published on Friday by the Ministry of Education (MOE) call for measures to ensure adequate exercise for students.

The circulars respectively focus on encouraging student participation in sports activities, schools' improvement of PE lessons, and local education
departments' implementation of teaching supervision.

Primary and middle school students should spend at least one hour each day on sports, according to one circular on primary and middle school PE assessment.

The circulars also called for an examination and assessment system for students' physical health.

A national standard for student physical health should be established and implemented. Schools nationwide should organize physical examinations for all
students annually and report the results to a national database, the circulars

Health conditions will be considered in performance assessments for schools and relevant government departments.

Any school identified with deteriorating student health for three consecutive years will be evaluated as unqualified, even with excellent performance in
teaching other major courses.

Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education of the MOE, called for more government spending on building school
sports facilities and sports venues.

He also urged guarantees of student safety during sports and revealed that the ministry is considering issuing a regulation on better prevention of campus
sports injuries.

PE in China has improved in recent years, but it is viewed as a weak link in education, with a lack of an assessment system and sufficient teachers and
facilities, which has restrained the development of students' health.

According to a national survey on students' health starting in 2010, physical fitness of college students has followed a slow declining curve, while more and
more primary and secondary pupils are overweight.

DAMASCUS, July 31 (Xinhua) -- Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said Monday that the Syrian army is writing the features of the ""near victory,"" according
to state news agency SANA.

Speaking on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary for the establishment of the Syrian army, Assad said the Syrian army has succeeded to make great achievements
in the face of an unprecedented terrorist enemy.

""We are still facing a terrorist enemy, which the history hasn't seen before,"" Assad said, adding that such enemy is backed by regional and
International powers with the aim[u] to controlling the e[/u]ntire region though Syria.

The president addressed the Syrian army as saying that ""Today, you are writing epics of glories and writing, through your steadfastness and
determination, the feature of the near victory.""

The celebration this year comes as the Syrian forces with the backing of Russia and Shiite fighters, mainly the Lebanese Hezbollah, have made strides in
the battle against the extremist groups, namely the Islamic State (IS) and the
al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front.

The army recently captured much of the Syrian desert from IS, by advancing in the eastern countryside of Homs province in central Syria, and by stripping the
Nusra Front of its positions in the Fleita barrens in western Qalamoun region.

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Posted 09 Oct 2018

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