
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful
1. There are some who say: "Lord, give us good in this world." These shall have no share in the Hereafter. But there are others who say "Lord, give us wht is good both in this world and in the next and keep us away from the fire of Hell. These shall have a share of what they have earned. Swift is the reckoning of Allah."
Sura:2, Ayat: 200-202
2.Men are tempted by the lure of women and offspring of hoarded treasures of gold and silver, of splendid horses, cattles, and plantations. These are the comforts of this life, but far better is the return to Allah.
Say: 'Shall I tell of better things than these, with which the righteous shall be rewarded by their Lord? There shall be gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell forever: wives freed from impurity, and grace from Allah.' Allah is watching over his servants.
Sura:3, Ayat: 14-15
3. Every soul shall taste death. You shall receive your rewards on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is spared Hell and is admitted to Paradise shall surely gain (his end) : for the life of this world is nothing but a fleeting vanity.
Sura: 3, Ayat:185
4. Do not be decieved by the activities of the unbelievers in this land. Their prosperity is brief. Hell shall be their home, a dismal resting place.
Sura:3, Ayat:196-197
5. The life of this world is but a sport and a pastime. Surely better is the life to come for those who are righteous. Will you not understand?
Sura:6, Ayat:32
6. The people of Fire will cry out to the people of Paradise: "Give us some water, or some of that which Allah has given you." But the blesses shall reply: "Allah has forbidden both to the unbelievers, who made their religion a pastime and an idle sport, and who were beguiled by their earthly life."
On this day We will forget them as they forgot the meeting of the day: for they denied Our revelations.
Sura:7, Ayat: 50-51
7. We have made that which is on earth an ornament for it, so that We may test them as to which of them do best.
Sura:18, Ayat:7
8. Do not strain your eyes towards the worldy benefits we have bestowed on some of the, for with these We seek only to try them. Your Lord's provision is better and more lasting.
Sura:20, Ayat 131
9. Men fear yuor Lord, and fear the day when no parent shall avail his child nor any child his parent. Allah's promise is surely true. Let the life of this world not decieve you, nor let the Dissembler trick you concerning Allah.
Sura:31, Ayat:33
10. Satan is your enemy: therefore treat him as an enemy. He tempts his followers so that they may become the people of Fire.
Sura:35, Ayat:6
11. The life of this world is a sport and a pastime. If you belive in Him and guard yourself against evil. He will reward you and will not ask for all your wealth.
Sura:47, Ayat:37
12. Believers, let not your riches nor your children beguile you of Allah's remembrance. Those that do this shall have much to lose.
Sura:63, Ayat:9
13. Blessed be He Whose Hands is all the sovereignty: He has power over all things.
He has created life and death that He might put you to the test and find out which of you acquitted himself best. He is the Mighty, the Forgiving One.
Sura:67, Ayat:1-2
14.Yet you (men) love this fleeting life and are heedless to the life to come.
Sura:75, Ayat 20-21
15. Those who transgressed and chose this present life will find themselves in Hell.
Sura:79, Ayat 37-39
16. Yet you prefer this life, although the life to come is better and more lasting.
Sura:87, Ayat 16-17