This should be much machines

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On the left side mountain peak, the large eagle eye revolves towards gettingempty warnning radar antenna with every minute eight turns of speed slowly,
there are still a four story highs by the side of the Cameron JordanAuthentic Jersey radar of dust-colour cement building, put on the roof fullvarious communication antennae. Is the national defense soldier Na soil sea in
the Na island here empty base, is also the southwest of the navy Pacific Ocean
wireless wiretap station location. After the military that started a new
technique of whole army study to lately fight a method from the president of
1922 reformed, the wireless technique is listed as one of the most important
point military techniques.In addition to is nearer year of just- appeared in
addition to radar, electronics wiretap, measure to, navigate etc.s be all been
included in a category.Because the nearer year of world military technique
flies soon a development, not only all establish radar station and wiretap
station at the national boundary important regions, also specialized Drew Brees AuthenticJersey survey and map 2 the ship refit into an electronics wiretap ship. Inaddition to hardware, president still issues order in person to establish the
national defense electronics college of machine with 1925 in the Nanking, and
the national defense university in Wuhan, long sand air force's college,
protect settle army's college , inside nine military colleges liked college of
army in river,etcs, all set up an electronics technique specialty and developed
a specialized electronics sergeant. Is small what is such a radar communication
sergeant. Five year agos greatly graduate from the transportation and enter
navy later on, is chosen to send to Nanking study in the college of air force
due to being with talent in the electronics.Is a radar soldier, he is a few
best sergeants of treatment of this islands, the work in everyday is monitor
and use radar, and carry on supporting everyday. Operating the radar MarshonLattimore Authentic Jersey is a very complex work, very lifeless monotone,the not so bad radar isn't every day either to open.But after lotus belonged to
eastern India**, he here have already helped to switch on the most multifarious
radar station, need to stare at a tight monitor every day."Is small what, come
to see quickly!"Inside the engine room, the war ally suddenly yells.Hide smoke
in the outside of small what hurriedly choke cigarette butt, be after hurtling
into room, screen of a big slice of a little bit red suddenly stabbed to
descend his eyes. This should be much machines, so as to reflect to return to
so big signal!"Check, fly to have machines to arrive in plan?Calculation set
measures to calculate directions and speed!Feed, feed!I am small what,
northeast to discover big not clear machines, claim immediately take-off
intercept!" "Leader of class, Michael ThomasAuthentic Jersey flies to plan last say having two conveyance machines fromthe domestic today." "Cao his mama of!Gao Pao makes a phone call for Gao Pao
Lian, quick!The hopes a class and goes up and sees to know." Favour in the
radar center makes one regiment, small what of the heart also jump more and
more and quickly.Make according to, if be not been included in a flight plan,
so only two possibilities.On being a task to keep secret degree Gao, fear be
intercepted radio communication by the enemy so directly fly to come over, the
second is someone's sneak attack.
Posted 17 Nov 2018

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