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Age: 124
Total Posts: 10089
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Pakistan, Pakistan
a hobby ... a desire ... a status symbol or a need ...???

wht is it ..??

every 2nd person here claims to be in love!!

every 3rd person here is heart broken... or involved in a one sided love ...

and every other person here .. likes someone ... has a crush on someone .. !!

Y?? y love is the most hottest topic in??

i asked few people about there view on this so called hottest topic ..

a friend of mine answered ... "yaar life is to enjoy .. aik nahi tu doosra sahee .. dosra nahi tu teesra .. shadi tu parents ki mazre say kerni hai na.."

another told me her bro's story kay his friends asked him to have a gf otherwise they will not sit with him..

even some people here are using each other .. like i'll talk with u if u will give me this .. n give me that ... n ..... so on...

wana say something............???
Posted 11 Dec 2004

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