
Age: 125
Total Posts: 3
Points: 0
When the night comes for me I will not be ready. I will never be ready.
buts still the night comes. The night comes to take me away from you.
I'll rant and I'll fight. be dragged off never telling you.
never telling you exactly what you meant to me.
Never feeling your touch before I go.
Never tasting you kiss as im taken.
Never looking into your eyes.
Knowing i have to face reality.
Screaming. when will this stop? when will i rest?
When can i stop speaking lies to feel safe?
Safe from telling you the truth. knowing that u dont feel it to.
You don't feel it. i feel that. feel it enough to fear it.
fear youll never know. fear you already do.
I turn around to find myself in the darkness you created. and all i see is you and
you haunt me. I want to feel for you.I fear I do. I couldn't take the hurt
i could get from you. Let me have my imaginary life don't let me face reality.
I am longing to be lost in you. And away from me.
Away from having to leave you, away from haveing to go.
Go into the night being in love.
Going into the night in love with you.