
Age: 125
7679 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
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United States, United States
hey i saw it! Yeah its pretty good.
But if u have seen "The Ring", it is a a better suspence movie. The Grudge is a little scarier though.
Watch out for The Ring 2, thats gonna kick ass.
Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7323 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I found the Grudge very disturbing, it's one of those horror movies that Adults will find more scary than Kids, because the more you pick up on the hidden messages, the more nasty it is.
Sarah Micheal Geller who plays Buffy stars in it as the lead, but her performance was disapointing imao.
It's basically about a Japaneese tradition which states that if someone dies violently in a house, that house becomes haunted and anyone who comes inside will be killed (even if they leave the house, the bhoot i.e. who we nicknamed 'Grudge' will come after them.)
I didn't like the movie very much but some of friends enjoyed it.