>:Internet Relationships:<

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Age: 125
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
What do u guyz think about internet relationships??

Accordin to me, internet relationships work!... as in.. not juss havin a relationship on the net.. a guy n a girl happen to talk endlessly and share their views n thots.. if they click they meet and might approve of each others appearance as well.. infact relationship over the internet is far more better than findin a guy thru the matrimonial.
u know the innerself of ure partner b4 seeing his appearance.. and once u fall in love wid a person.. most of the times the looks wudnt matter.. i aint sayin u can fall in love n then see a horrible lookin girl/guy and yet be in love.. the interest may decrease.. no matter wat people say bout looks not mattering.. i think sumwhr it does matter...

but for some it never works

so tell me wht do u all think

Posted 10 Jan 2005

guest. says
works 4 some ppl..
bt 4 others..it usually isnt a wise choice!

depends on ppl envolved..!
Posted 10 Jan 2005

The idea of strangers (boy & girl) meeting in privacy over internet!
Basically dating without physical contact, instead acquainting each other.
Perhaps, what escaped us is a simple but basic rule, that when a guy and a gal meet in private, shaitan's (devil) the third with them. This rule not only applies to physical meetings but also to private internet chating.
I know many of you will argue about it but this is a ground rule which doesn't change. If someone wants to ignore it, he/she have a choice. However, know it well, that Justice is based on rules rather then current practices.
Posted 11 Jan 2005

it works 100%..... coz i know sum 1
she met a guy on net... talked for abt 2 years...knew each other well...fell in luv.... stayed for abt 4 months n 14 days n den he left her....
she doesnt know whether he luvd her or not... but she is sure she cant live widout him... she still cries alot... n she has lost all hopes n pray k she culd die....

y guys do so...when dey dont luv a girl y dey say k they luv u soo much.....?

can any guy give me da answer? SERIOUSLY
Posted 11 Jan 2005

friend_16 says
saray aik jaisay nahi hotay net par .. pata nahi loog kitnay arsay taak apnay app ko kuch aur he pretend kertay hein kisi aur kay saamnay .. stupid jokes .. flirts .. aur pata nahi kia kia yahaan hota hai ..i met a gal on net .. n she said kay mujhay aik larkay nay dhooka dia hai is liay ab main kisi larkay ko nahi choorein gi .. i was just shocked to hear this .. aisay bhee loog hein yahaan ...

par jahaan kuch buray hein wahaan kuch achay hein .. laiken kisi kay baray main judge nahi kia ja sakta .. kay kaun kaisa hai..
Posted 11 Jan 2005

Mysteriousgal, story of 1 person makes you think it works 100%

Heartbroken and lost love...a gift of western life style. Nobody's to blame except self-indulgence in immoral relationships. I known guys been left hanging in the middle too.

Blaming each other will not bring an end to this. Its the life-style we are leading and led to believe that love first and marry later brings happiness. We want attention, girls from guys and guys from girls, becuz it tickles and feels good for a while. Then results are horrible.

Movies, dramas, tv, magazines, internet; all are feeding it and we are eating it right up. Love, love, love. Self-centered, selfish life-style driven to apease self and desires-of-self so much that a little hap outside of it hurts like hell.

Let's bring end to worshipping self, and come out in the real world and that life has greater purpose than mere love for self.
Posted 11 Jan 2005

friend_16 says
.. exaclty life has a greater pupose than this love thing ...

is dunya main itnee attraction hai kay it doesn't let u think about the purpose for being here..
Posted 11 Jan 2005

paki_fan says
cutensweet said:

What do u guyz think about internet relationships??

Accordin to me, internet relationships work!... as in.. not juss havin a relationship on the net.. a guy n a girl happen to talk endlessly and share their views n thots.. if they click they meet and might approve of each others appearance as well.. infact relationship over the internet is far more better than findin a guy thru the matrimonial.
u know the innerself of ure partner b4 seeing his appearance.. and once u fall in love wid a person.. most of the times the looks wudnt matter.. i aint sayin u can fall in love n then see a horrible lookin girl/guy and yet be in love.. the interest may decrease.. no matter wat people say bout looks not mattering.. i think sumwhr it does matter...

but for some it never works

so tell me wht do u all think

yup... i don't like the kind of love in which only the looks matters... u should love someone not just because of their looks but u should also look inside the persons heart their thoughts and feelings,,,
Posted 12 Jan 2005

Ironically, mostlly people love the one that pleases or appeals to their desires, in looks, personality, compatibility, on 'n' on 'n' on... we love bcuz we want love out of it and we want to be loved. It is centered toward ownself, becuz we love ourself more than anything. We have been enslaved by us!
we: me, myself and I are the centre of the universe and that should always be the status quo -- we can't think above ourselves!

We claim to be believers and yet to us the most beloved is ourself! Hadith: "One did not believe untill Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him (her) then him (her)self".

One who gave life and grow us to be strong and good looking, with healthy mind and body; one who provided food and water and clothed us; it is with His permission that earth holds us on it and to till land which grows vegetation out of it to benfit us. With His grace, sun rises and provides warmth for our survival, night falls for us to rest and day breaks out of it for us to earn living. yet! it takes us very little to disobey Him for very minor gains. We ignore the One who loves us most and gives us most though he is under no obligation to provide us with anything but we run after others for love
Posted 12 Jan 2005

Ashii says
bura shaks net pe bhi bura hota hai aur real life mei bhi
net relation can work or fail, exactly like in real life

niyyat theek honi chaiye
par ab sahi niyyat kahan se la'ain yarrrrrrrr
Posted 18 Jan 2005

~CHANDNI~ says
sahi kaha   sall
moghy   khod   hi asa hi experince hoa hay
Posted 18 Jan 2005

BadShaH1 says
works sometimes
Posted 18 Jan 2005

only by fluke - I can't take that chance on my life
Posted 20 Jan 2005

valandrian says
Posted 24 Apr 2018

Posted 16 Sep 2018

Posted 20 Oct 2018

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