Bazigaar said:
kash_beauty said: asian..itna gussaaa
koi baat nahin

bakion ka pata nahin.. bt ths shoaib akhtar desevres ths insult
no one deserves's not upto us to judge's between him and God...
he is a muslim n paki!!
if he cudnt respect pak, he shud hve atleast hve respect 4 islam !!
i wudnt b surprised if thy came out wid the news tht he was drunk as well!!
its b/w him n GOd..sure is..
i dnt disagree to tht statement of urs !
coz of ppl like him

,islam is concered a religion wid no values,no dignity !
n also..preaching the ryt thng is not interfering in some1's life..
our Phrophet did tht..evn he cud say tht i wudnt stop ppl...its b/w thm n the GOd !!
Many ppl 4m religious group do it now!
persoanlly i dnt gve a damn abt wht he does or not !!
bt on international levels thz players r representatives of ISLAM n PAK !!!
i dnt evn care abt pak reputation..
bt ISLAM comes first!
i m not a gr8 muslim maslf!
bt 1 thngs 4 sure
i wudnt convey such msg as he is doin
