Age: 125
7602 days old here
Total Posts: 1124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
According to Javed Shiekh's latest interview as Standard has said the shooting will start in March and the film will be shot in Eastern Europe and not in Australia as before and the film will be released in August.

Age: 125
7602 days old here
Total Posts: 1124
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
According to Javed Shiekh's latest interview as Standard has said the shooting will start in March and the film will be shot in Eastern Europe and not in Australia as before and the film will be released in August.

Age: 38
7343 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
JS got is doing a bit gay job now. he is looking for indian actors for his film then how will it be a pakistani film it will be totally indian, because his singers are indian, actors are going to be indian excluding, him self, humayun, sana, and how can he forget his bro Saleem he does not knw how to act i fink he ruined YDAKH in my opnion. no offence to his fans!. so i was sayin. his creographr is going to be indian, its only him is going to be pakistani, the music director is goignt o be pakistani and the producers. and by all i mean that although its a pakistani production but it has bolly starts in it. and the pakistani ppl are going to go and watch this movie just becayse of that not because it a pakistani movie.
he should promote pakistani talent rather then bolly because tghey got talent already. he should deffenatilly replace Saleem sheikh he only works in his bro production or his own which are just waste of time. it looks liek he is desprate for a hit. he is not a axctor material gety dnt he get it.