I actually had to read this article through more than once in an attempt to make head or tail of it. A simple report you might think until the sceptical side of you digs a little deeper. The layout of the article seems odd. Even more strange when you question why the supposedly offending 'rocket club' poster is reprinted in clear print by the newspaper with clear details of their website and phone number. Could this be a paid advertisement? Could it be a reward for the club owner agreeing with the Evening Mail that the Medusa advert was 'over the top' as stated by the Mail. The Rocket Club does get some adverse criticism and is quoted by a councillor as having a rude advertisement which featured a parrot and a joke involving the word 'cockatoo' but no mention of the reprinted large advert sized poster as featured on page 2 of the Evening Mail. The Newport 100'S Cigarettes Cheap Newport 100S Cigarettes fact is, most of us would never have heard of the Medusa Club or the Rocket Club had it not been for headline news such as this. What better way to promote a couple of Buy Newports Cheap Newport 100S Cigarettes local adult clubs. I bet the Medusa Club and Rocket Club are grinning from ear to ear over the free publicity and advertising. It certainly won't do them any harm. Cigarette Wholesaler Price Newport Cigarettes On Apple Store Fb Distributors Marlboro Cigarettes Cheap Cigarettes Newport In Nj Newport Cigarettes Reviews Newport Cigarettes Coupons Online Free Marlboro Regular Red Lowest Price Wholesale Cigarettes Free Shipping Newport 100 Box