actually all large cichilds, keeping your

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Edison Freed
Submitted 2016-07-04 23:19:49 There are two values for vintage vehicles
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An antique classic car can be a beautiful thing to share, specially you carry it to
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Oscar cichlid has always been a very popular cichlid among aquarists, as it is
an extremely intelligent creature that can and will interact with it s keeper.
With proper care and attention, an Oscar fish can turn into a true pet. The fish
may even swim along the tank, following it s master for a treat. Oscars can be
easily trained to take food from the keepers hand.

Oscar is the popular name for the cichlid known as Astronotus ocellatus. In addition to the name
Oscar, this species is also known as the Velvet cichlid or the Marble cichlid.
Current variations of this species include: tiger
oscar Angels
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 , red oscar, red tiger oscar, marbled oscar and
several new veil tailed varieties. Astronotus ocellatus is not an extremely
sensitive fish, so it can be kept even by less experienced aquarists. The keeper
must provide an aquarium that is large enough however. 75 to 100 gallon
aquariums are considered minimum. Keep in mind, that in the
wild Angels Reggie
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 , it is not uncommon for an Oscar fish to grow larger than
12 inches long. When Oscars are kept in home aquariums they normally won t get
quite that large.

Oscars are large carnivores and they are known to be happy eaters even in captivity. Your Oscar will do best on a varied diet
consisting of fish and insects. Feeder fish, crickets, worms, adult brine shrimp
and krill are all suitable food types. It is easy to train your Oscar fish into
accepting prepared food, such as pellets and flakes. A high quality prepared
food suitable for large cichlids is recommended. A prepared food can provide a
good base Angels Rod
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 , but you should not keep your Oscar fish on flakes or
pellets alone. Supplementing prepared food with some of the food types described
above is always advisable. Since small fish will be viewed as food, they are not
suitable tank mates for your Oscar. Oscars are not very aggressive towards fish
that are too large to be considered food, and you can house your Oscar with
other large and non aggressive fish species that like the same water conditions.
Some species that come to mind: Tin Foil Barbs, Red Bellied Pacus, larger
varieties of Cat Fish and maybe some similar sized Jack Dempsey s. As with most
large fish Angels
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 , and actually all large cichilds, keeping your
aquarium well decorated and well planted will be next to impossible. As Oscars
grow larger, they will tear things up, so you may find yourself decorating your
tank with a lot of rocks and overturned clay flower pots.

Oscar cichlids are relatively hardy fish, and will tolerate most water
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Posted 12 Apr 2019

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