Frequently asked questions about solar chargers

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Frequently asked questions about solar chargers
1.What is solar charger?
 Solar battery charger is a few solar cells that convert the energy of the sun into direct electric current. 
Modern solar charger has the ability to charge both phones and tablets, and netbooks, laptops and 12 V batteries.
At the moment, in today's market a lot of different solar devices of different power, battery capacity and solar panels from different manufacturers.
2.How does the solar charger work?
If it is a solar charger with a battery, then when sunlight hits the solar panel, they are converted into energy, thereby charging the built-in battery, and the battery already charges the devices. If it is a solar panel without a battery, the sun's rays hit the solar panel, converted into energy and directly charge the devices.
12 Best Solar Chargers | Review of the TOP Devices for Camping, Cell Phone, Laptop, and Car | Buyer's Guide 2019 more info here
3.What does solar charging consist of?
Solar charger with battery consists of solar panel, built-in battery,charge/discharge controller, Converter, clad in metal or rubber case. A solar battery without a battery consists of solar panels, a charge/discharge controller, a Converter, usually clad in a waterproof fabric.
4.What portable equipment can be charged with a solar charger?
Solar charger can charge: player, phone, smartphone, camera, tablet, netbook, laptop and other related devices.
 5.What types of solar charging are?
 There are 2 types of solar charging: solar charging with a battery (capacity from 4000 mAh to 25000 mAh) and solar charging without a battery (power of solar panels from 3 to 300 W). Also on the market of solar devices you can find a model of folding type, but with a battery - SP 8000 (5 Watt).
6.Is it possible to drop solar charger?
Solar charger, like any other equipment, dropping is not recommended. Since even if the properties are shockproof, it means that less likely that accidental fall will damage or it will affect its technical condition, but does not exclude its failure.
7.Why do charges with the same power have a different price?
 This can be, if the solar chargers are produced by different manufacturers, then the price is affected by the material, build quality, real battery capacity, the price policy of the manufacturer and other properties, due to this, the price may vary.
8.Why does the specified output current of 1 A and 2.1 A not always give a maximum?
The output current may differ from the specified, due to the fact that when the device is charged, the current required for uniform charging is automatically selected and then it is automatically reduced during the end of the charge.
9.Is it possible to make a solar charger yourself?
It is almost impossible to make a high-quality solar device yourself! There is no economy, because experience has proven that at the cost of all parts and accessories solar charger with their own hands is more expensive than bought in the online store. And the ability to use, durability and quality of the charge is also reduced to zero. Bottom line : if you want to have a good solar charger that will last You a long time, you can buy it in specialized stores, where there is a certificate of quality and warranty.
10.How long can the built-in battery last? 
The average number of full charge/discharge cycles is about 1000, after that, the battery gradually begins to lose capacity, over time, the battery capacity decreases by 15-20%. Under one cycle should be understood charge from 0 to 100%, ie if You charge and discharge the device is not completely, it will last many times longer.
11.If near the solar charging ports, it is not specified what the output current in them, how to determine? 
If it is not written on the ports what output current is in the device, then there are usually other symbols, for example: port A, port B or drawn 1 lightning sign or 2 lightning signs or port 1 and port 2. In such cases: port A, 1 lightning and port 1 - output current of 1 A, and port B, 2 lightning and port 2 has an output current of 2.1 A. 
12.Is the battery capacity specified in the description always real?
 In most cases, the real capacity, however, some devices have lower power than the stated (in our online store in the product reviews, the real capacity of the battery is always indicated, after testing the solar device by our specialists). In addition, it is worth considering that in the process of charging devices: smartphone, tablet, laptop, there are natural losses that can affect the reduction of battery capacity from 10-15%.
13.If one of the properties of charging is waterproof, what does it mean?
This solar charger is more than the other charger is protected against the ingress of water and moisture. Most often, it is dressed in a rubber case, which allows you to more likely to protect components from water and moisture, but does not mean that it will fully protect the internal contents if the charge gets under heavy rain or gets wet in the water.
14. Why does solar charging take so long to charge from the sun?
If we take the example of the average charging with a panel power of 1.2-1.5 W and an output of 200-300 ma, the charging speed from the sun from the discharged state to the full charge will be about 25-40 hours. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to increase the speed of charging with such parameters and pocket size, because for faster charging you need a large area, but then put it in a bag and take it everywhere with you will be difficult. 
There are several options to address this issue: 
1. You can charge with a battery to connect bezakkumulyatornuyu charge, which will be able to charge it much faster, as it has a large area of absorption of rays (folding type). 2. Use such a charge to compensate for the discharge, and not for a full charge. 
15.What are the differences between polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon? 
The first difference is the appearance: the polycrystalline panel is blue and the monocrystalline panel is black. 
The second difference is the efficiency of absorption and conversion of sunlight into energy. The polycrystalline panel efficiency of 15-17%, and the single-crystal 18-20%.
16.How many degrees can solar panels withstand?
Depending on the manufacturer and type of solar charger, the maximum temperature is + 45, the minimum is -20. There are special models developed for extreme climate, but such devices are usually made to order.
17.If there are 2 USB ports in the charge, can I charge from them at the same time?
Yes, you can charge at the same time. This device can charge two phones or a phone and a tablet at the same time.
18.What are the ways to charge the solar device?
There are three possibilities of charging the solar device: from the 220 V network, from the USB port of the laptop, from the sun.
19.How long the solar charger is charged from the sun?
Depending on the power of solar panels and battery capacity, from 12 to 50 hours.
20. How long does it take to charge various devices from the solar battery?
 If you take the average data, the phone can be charged for 1.5-2 hours, the tablet for 2-4 hours. 
21.How to use a solar charger?
At the beginning of operation, it is necessary to charge the battery completely from the mains, then during operation, for example, You recharge a mobile phone (battery 2000 mAh), put the solar charger in the sun and it compensates for this discharge for 6-8 hours.
22.How are the principles of solar charging with batteries and without batteries?
Solar charger with battery before use, it is necessary to charge from the network about 100% and later after charging the devices, compensate for the selected capacity by charging from the sun. 
Solar charger without battery has a different principle of operation: to charge the device, you need to place the solar charger itself under the sunlight and connect to it the device you want to charge and thus You will ensure the charging process. 
23.How to store solar device correctly? 
If You plan a long time, more than 1 month, not to use the charger, You need to charge the built-in battery to 60-70% and store it at room temperature. 
24. Is it possible to disassemble the solar charger and continue to use the elements to charge the devices?
Solar charger is strongly not recommended to disassemble, because it can damage the solar charging elements and the body, it is also not recommended to use the elements of the device, because disassembled and damaged device is not intended for use. After parsing the device, it is automatically removed from the warranty. 
25. How does the power of solar panels affect the charging of solar devices? 
The speed of charge of the built-in battery or connected devices depends on the power of solar panels. For example, if the panel capacity of 1.5 W, its current 300 ma hours, if 5 W, 900 ma, if 10 W, 1500 ma. Ie to charge for example a smartphone with a battery 2000 from the solar panel 1.5 W need 7-8 hours, from 5 W - 2.5 hours, 10 W about 1.5 hours.
As you can see from the above data, solar charging with panels up to 3 W will only compensate for the discharge of the built-in battery, and from 3W solar panels are powerful to use for fast charging directly from the sun.
Posted 24 Apr 2019

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Posted 31 Aug 2022

Calios23 says
What is the advantage of 9BB compared with 5BB?
Posted 20 Dec 2022

Helis says
Hello! 9BB solar cells have lower internal resistance losses than 5BB solar cells.
The number of bars affects resistance loss, so increasing the distance between two metal contacts causes resistance loss. 9bb solar panels have more busbars than 5BB cells, which reduces internal resistance loss by reducing the distance between the busbars, which extends the life of the cells, which isn't bad today.
Posted 20 Dec 2022

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