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Get fundamentals tips to change trusted phone numbers for Apple device has been considered as drastically secured and safe in terms of performing any kind of the tasks. There is the biggest role of Apple ID and password that helps to secure all over the data accordingly. But a problem begins when someone either lost his Apple ID or password; he can then able to complete any kind of the task and especially downloading and installing the apps on his iPhone device. At this, it is necessary to reset your Apple ID or password using two-factor authentication that helps to reset your lost password with the help of trusted mobile phone number. In case, there is an error making you stop to perform the task easily, contact its tech support engineers who will help you to fix the issue in no time.
Here are the ways to complete the task with Apple 2 Step Verification lost Phone:
At first, check out your iPhone device and its recovery key is secured or not if no then select an Apple ID password and select access button to one of your trusted devices. With the help of this tactics, you can sign in or create a new recovery key with your sign in the password and trusted mobile phone.
Have a look at the steps for two steps verification for lost phone number:
• At first, go to the settings in iPhone device and select after sign in with correct Apple ID and password.
• Go to the settings and select the security type and click the edit button and click on add button.
• Enter the correct mobile phone number and select two-step verification in order to perform that task with ease.
• A code will be sent to your registered mobile phone that you have to enter into the correct field.
• Now click on the trusted mobile phone number and select add button to add another mobile phone number.
• Select turn on button and enter the password at the end of the procedure.
With the help, you can access to your recovery key that will help you to access on your device with ease. But when it comes to the two-factor authentication is quite fine security method used by Apple to verify that you are the only person accessing your Apple ID with ease.
How to Change Trusted Phone Numbers for Apple ID Using 2FA:
You can enable 2-factor authentication and add trusted mobile phone number, along with that you can change the trusted phone number for Apple ID using 2 Factor Authentication as listed down.
• At first, go to the settings and select the Apple ID account page and press sign in button.
• Enter Apple ID account and password to access and press continue button,
• Click the edit button and select the security selection and move to the next.
• Clicks add a trusted phone number and enter the mobile phone number and select verify button.
• Now press continue button after verifying your mobile phone number and enter the code you have received now.
• Enter the continue button select the new mobile phone to use and press continue button for the confirmation.
• Having completed the task, click on the done button at the end of the procedure.
It is a hope that you are now enjoying with your Apple ID and password to use on your iPhone device during access and downloading and installing the apps with ease.

Posted 02 May 2019

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