The Example Of Two Friends !!!

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Age: 124
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United States, United States
Allah has given us another opportunity to share with each other some advice which will remind us about the purpose of our lives inshallah. These advice are written and posted by Muslim youths just like you.

Our belief in Allah needs to be strong and solid. Right now if I were to ask you "Is there a ground under you?" You would without a doubt say yes. Then if I asked "Is there a sky above you?" You would reply yes again without a doubt. Our belief in Allah should be so strong that if I was to ask "Is Allah watching you right now?" Without a doubt you should say yes. This type of belief doesn't come by sitting at home and doing nothing. We must work for it. Allah the Almighty has said in the Holy Quran: As for those who strive hard ``in Us`` (Our Cause), We will surely, guide them to Our Paths. (Surah Ankabut: 69).

Let me share a story with you. Two friends were travelling together. One was blind and the other could see. Now, when the night fell, they decided to take some rest and continue the journey in the morning. This area was such that in the day time the temperature increases pretty high but in the night the temperature decreases significantly. Much like the areas near the oceans. In the morning, the person who could see left to find some food. The blind man stayed behind and was just touching here and there around him. Now, what had happened at night is that one snake was passing by this place. But due to the extreme coldness, the snake became inactive, frozen, and straight. This blind man's hand fell on this snake and he thought that it's a very nice stick. He picked it up and became very happy. To a blind man, a good stick is a very valuable thing.

Later, the person who could see came back with some food and saw his friend touching a snake. So he shouted and said to throw it away. But the blind man insisted, you want this stick don't you? I am not going to throw it away. After trying hard, he couldn't convince the blind man to throw it away. Anyway, they continued their journey. Then the temperature began to rise and the snake started regaining its energy. When it received enough heat, it flexed its muscles and bit the blind man.

We can compare ourselves to this situation also. We are like this blind man and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is like the person who could see. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went to Miraj and saw the horrors of Hell and the blissfulness of Paradise. Now, the Prophet told us about many things to give up and stay away but because we can't see the dangers that's why we don't pay any attention to them. But when the time comes, we will get into serious problems. That is why, we should follow the rules and regulations of Islam.
Posted 20 Feb 2005

Badal says
Good effort paki_fan, it seems here you are islami_fan instead of paki_fan.
Posted 20 Feb 2005

stariz says
yeah faakhir good work
Posted 20 Feb 2005

paki_fan says

Good effort paki_fan, it seems here you are islami_fan instead of paki_fan.

thanks rizz

per chaltey chaltey yeh bhi bata chaloon, ke its not written by me.
Posted 21 Feb 2005

Badal says
not written, no problem, but presented by you
Posted 18 Mar 2005

valandrian says
Posted 30 Apr 2018

Posted 17 Sep 2018

Posted 21 Oct 2018

Posted 09 Nov 2018

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