Application and usage of aluminized zinc steel coil

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Age: 2023
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The high quality Galvalume Corrugated Roofing Sheet has many excellent characteristics: strong corrosion resistance, is three times of pure zinc plate; The surface is beautifully decorated with zinc flowers that can be used as panels outside the building.
Corrosion resistance
The corrosion resistance of aluminized zinc steel coil is mainly due to the protection function of aluminum. When zinc is worn away, aluminum forms a dense layer of alumina, preventing the corrosion resistant material from further corroding the interior.
Heat resistance
Aluminum-zinc alloy steel plate has good heat resistance can withstand the high temperature of more than 300 degrees Celsius, and aluminum plated steel plate high-temperature oxidation resistance is very similar, often used in chimney pipes, ovens, illuminators, and daylight lampshades.
Heat reflective
Aluminized zinc steel plate has a high thermal reflectivity, which is twice as high as galvanized steel plate. People often use it as insulation material.
Because the density of 55% Al-Zn is lower than that of Zn, the area of aluminum-zinc plated steel plate is more than 3% larger than that of plated steel plate when the weight is the same and the thickness of the gold-plated layer is the same.
Uses for aluminum zinc steel coil in stock
Architecture: roofs, walls, garages, soundproof walls, pipes, and prefab houses.
Automobile: muffler, exhaust pipe, windshield wiper accessories, fuel tank, truck box, etc.
Home appliances: refrigerator backboard, gas stove, air conditioner, electronic microwave oven, LCD frame, CRT explosion-proof belt, LED backlight, electric cabinet, etc.
Agricultural: pig house, chicken house, granary, greenhouse with pipes.
Other: heat insulation cover, heat exchanger, dryer, heater, etc.
Precautions for use of aluminum zinc steel coil
Storage: should be stored in the warehouse and other indoor storage, keep dry ventilation, do not buy long in acidic climate. Outdoor storage needs to prevent rain, avoid condensation caused by oxidation stains.
Transportation: avoid external impacts, SKID rolls on vehicles, reduce stacking, and provide rain proofing.
Processing: the same lubricating oil shall be used for COILCENTER shear processing. When drilling or cutting aluminum zinc steel coil, the scattered iron scrap should be removed in time.
Posted 04 Jun 2019

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The consumption opposition of aluminized zinc steel curl is for the most part because of the assurance capability of aluminum. At the point when zinc is eroded, aluminum shapes a thick layer of alumina, keeping the consumption safe material from additional consuming the inside.
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