Age: 125
Total Posts: 131
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i know alot has been said about thistopic and evry1 has there own opinion but three years ago what ithouhgt about it has changed alot
as they say u cant say anyfing until u have got through that experince
my wedding was a arranged married to was not fond of teh idea but sumtimes u cant be selfish u have to think realisticly
amfrom a big family from the girls i am the biggest 23 it dosent seem like it but i had to think about my mum dad and my nanai i basically got married because i am very close tomy nani and i repest her alot
its been five months since i signed that nikah nama and now its just about looking life in a difrent way got alot of responsibilites but that cums with the package after all u just dont get married to that one person by te way that person is my cousin who is in pakistan
basically my msg to all u guys is girl or boy the responsibilites are equaland u should respect one another nomatter what the circumstance and u should alsoput urselfin ur familys postion no parents want to push their son ordaughter in a well on purpose
and of course one plus point of being married is that anyfing goes wrong u have ur family backing u