
Age: 125
Total Posts: 131
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
religious pplz maulanas pandids etc are the ones whoshould be teaching us about our religion but instead they take the oppurtunity and abuse this right
for example
maulans they say that we should not watch tv films music not do fashion but if u ever go into ther houses well u see fullsystems installed and ther daughters doing all that that they tellothers daughters not to do
i think u should not potray the faith just to show pplz
i basically read five times a day namaz try to read quran on evry occasion when i have aspare moment and try to foolow he simple rules
these days the hijab is a fahion item when its in evry1 has it on but when the fashion isout then it goes too
anyhowz will contuie in five minutes gota goand get a drink
coke any1 am ofering how about a bar of choc