
Age: 125
Total Posts: 131
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
mera ghum aur mere har khushi tumse hai
janeman yeah mere zindigi tumse hai
wow what a ghazil nusrta fateh ali khan
and one thati listen to evryday numeorus times is
na jane kabse umeedain kuch baqey hai
mujhe phir be tere yad kyo atey hai
na jane kabse
ab to adit se hai aise jene main
adit by atif aslim wow it s acool song alot of meaning and a very cool video t o gowith it
more songs that are cool are
tere akhiyan wich doob ke by sajad haider humar arshadss bro and
dil ter nam by tanveer afridi loads of really good songs in pak and my fav is a gahzilby dr abrar umar who also presents on fm 100 pakistan and the ghazil title is zindigi have any of u gus heard it fi yes and kniw the albums name then let me know i need to get a copy
ahmed jahanzeb is good to all his songs have sweet music
ali zafar is good too
anyhowz i cud go on and on but have to go its nearly namaz time
happy reading
andprob be on next on tuesday and wil be checking mail on monday but wont be on janubab cause i be from net cafe and that does not allow u to go on things like this