Janubaba Land

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Age: 37
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Police State, Pakistan
okie people this is never ending storie

me first

Bazu arrived at the Empire hotel early looking sharpe, he wore a Gucci suit with shiny cuff links and a Rolex watch with a clean Italian shave and a Louis Vuttion wallet bearing a resevation.

slowly Bazu moved to the food court and sat down in the V.I.P. suit, he sat their checking his hair in the shiny wine glass's , suddenly something sparkly cuaght his eye..........it was Asian (hay look you can make fun all you want)

Asian was wearing a Gucci, hmmmmm na scrape that, Asian was wearing a DnG ball gown with sparkly cartier earings and a stunning necklace, she sat down at the table and looked at Bazu with her eyes, and said "oooooooooOOOOOoo kidda?"

Bazu finding it hard to speak, muttered "i'am fien" lol

as Bazu leaned across the table a waiter came over smelling of fish and sweat, it was Javed, he stood their with a big red stain on his shirt (la mirichi) lol, "what will you like to order?"
Asian looked at him, his stench was so strong asians eyes began to warter, "SOME DEODRANT FOR YOU!!"
bazu quickly replyed, the Gol Guppay plz........he slowly turned to asian and lent arcorss the table to say.............................

okie now carry the story on make it as stupied as you want lol
Posted 14 Mar 2005

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