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As Russia and Ukraine continue to disagree over natural gas pricing and shipments to Europe Cheap Greg McKegg Hoodie , Russia’s growing influence in the region is becoming very apparent. How will the Russia-Ukraine natural gas partnership affect Europe’s
foreign and energy policies? What does Russia’s growing influence in the energy
sector mean for the United States? During today’s OnPoint, Alexander Mirtchev,
founder and president of Krull Corp. and a top international consultant on
energy and oil markets, discusses the details of the Russia-Ukraine natural gas
partnership and explains why Europe will continue to face shipment disruptions.
Mirtchev also discusses Russia’s expanding influence in the energy sector and
how this will affect the foreign policy decisions of European nations and the
United States

Monica Trauzzi: Welcome to the show. I’m Monica Trauzzi. With us today is Alexander Mirtchev Cheap Bryan Rust Hoodie , founder and president of the Krull Corporation and a top international consultant on energy and oil markets. Alexander also serves as the
senior economic adviser to the prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Alexander, thanks for coming on the show.

Alexander Mirtchev: It’s my pleasure.

Monica Trauzzi: Earlier this week we heard that Ukraine and Russia had finally reached an agreement with their European nations on resuming the supply
of natural gas from Russia to Europe. Russia claims that Ukraine has essentially
shut off the pipelines that would allow this gas to go to Europe. What’s the
latest on where this situation stands and when we actually might see these
pipelines reopening and natural gas going to Europe? What’s the situation at
this point?

Alexander Mirtchev: I believe, first and foremost, it’s fascinating to see how this issue has been seen from the point of view of different countries in
the region and you will see how they project their own political interests on
the situation making it much more complex than it is.

Interview with Alexander Mirtchev
You can view the whole transcript of this video with Alexander Mirtchev

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