good memories are key to happiness

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Age: 124
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United States, United States

Memories are not words, written with chalk on black board. That with a sweep of duster, vanish them and they never come back. They are like the sweet fragrance of rose. That remains in it forever. Memories are not something that is written on beach with your own finger and that a wave wipes it away forever. They are like diamonds, which never breaks and keep on shining. When you are sad and have nothing to do. You remember the good tunes you had, and then suddenly you don’t feel so bad and you are lost in another world where there is nothing but magic. The magic of love, faith and care. You come out of world of sweet memories. Like a new person u feel fresh. So, when you are having hard times, here is something to do about your worries, and that is your own treasure of happy memories!!!
Posted 19 Mar 2005

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