Thinking and acting are,

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Put Yourry and Quit Self Help Articles | November 21 C.J. Mosley Hoodie , 2003 It happens. You hate your boss, but you love your job. Or you love
your boss, but hate your job. Or you?ve seen a ... in that ... or you
have a client so ...
I?ve seen it play its

It happens. You hate your boss, but you love your job. Or you love your boss, but
hate your job. Or you?ve seen a colleague in that position, or you have a

client so encumbered.

I?ve seen it play itself out in more than one work situation. In fact, in one situation Curtis Martin Hoodie , I accompanied the manager who went to tell Ms. Employee, and I quote,
?He?s not going to change. You?re going to lose. Save yourself some
misery and quit right now, or change your attitude.? (Quit the job, or quit
feeling that way.)

She didn?t. She continued to dig herself deeper into a hole, spending more
time and energy on the personality conflict than on her
work, getting worse all the time at her job ? in what appeared for all the world
like ?a drop in cognitive functioning Trenton Cannon Shirt ,? until, not surprisingly, she was fired.

We know emotions can affect cognitive functioning; that?s what Emotional Intelligence is
all about. Now there?s more scientific confirmation.

The article on www.newscientist , based on research reported in Nature Neuroscience, must be
read carefully. It?s called ?Brains Drained by Hidden Race Bias.?

The article begins, ?People with implicit racial prejudices are left mentally
exhausted after interacting with someone from a different race, perhaps because
they are trying to quell their feelings.?

This is based on the finding that ?areas in the brain associated with self-control [executive function] light
up in white people with implicit racial biases when they are shown images of
black people.? (They ?light up? under MRI brain scanning.)

Let me direct you at this point to the site to study the research design and conclusions and
form your own opinion -- http:www.newscientistnewsnews.jsp?id=ns99994388 .

The researchers ascertained which white subjects were racially prejudiced against black people Chris Herndon Shirt , had them interview with a black person ?on a controversial subject,?
and then gave them a ?thinking? test. It should be noted a
?controversial subject? would add more emotion to the equation.

Results obtained through the MRI brain scans which are giving us so much information
about intelligence, emotions, and their interaction, showed that ?the subject?s
mental resources [were] temporarily drained by their efforts to suppress their

The scientists were hopeful to use this information to do something to
intervene. As William Gehring, University of Michigan, wrote in
comment to the research Joe Namath Shirt , ?It is indisputable that prejudice exists, and the scientific study of its cognitive and neural underpinnings is exceedingly

Let?s just say here it?s another good reason to get rid of prejudice, but
then we didn?t need another good reason to get rid of prejudice,
did we?

Thinking and acting are, of course, two different things, but Leonard Williams Shirt , as usual, we do not fool our bodies. Look at that physical reaction. An
editorial in Nature Neuroscience quickly adds that while ?the study
links certain brain activity with implicit bias, it says nothing about what
causes that bias or how the bias affects behavior towards people of other

However, it?s very clear how it affects the person with the feelings. Those with low bias, did not have a drop in cognitive

Lead researcher Jennifer Richeson, Dartmouth, concluded that in today?s modern multicultural world Jordan Jenkins Shirt , ?being biased has negative consequences for us.?

A broader application is to note what it does to us when we are generating
negative feelings. If you are reacting this way, it?s going to lower your
cognitive functioning. Which is sort of what ?work? is all about. You have to be
able to think. We return to the tenets of coaching ? find your passion. Find
work you love, you?ll do better at it. Make choices. If you dislike something
you have two alternatives: remove yourself from the situation, or learn to
manage your emotions in regards to it. Prejudice, for instance, is learned.
What?s learned, can be unlearned.

And the corollary to this is that when we dwell in rancor Darron Lee Shirt , hatred and prejudice, it may or may not damage the other, but it
definitely damages us. Bias slows us down, and anger kills us ? whether
suppressed or expressed.

If we could all just learn to get along, within ourselves, and between one another ? and that?s what Emotional Intelligence is
all about.

It seems fitting to end with these words from Doc Childre and Howard
Martin, The HeartMath Solution: ?The emotional frontier is truly the
frontier to conquer in human understanding. The opportunity we face
now Jamal Adams Shirt , even before that frontier is fully explored and settled, is to develop
our emotional potential and accelerate rather dramatically into a new
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