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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Question of today is who is asian??
Posted 10 Apr 2005

Asian says
okie shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

*O CHUCK DE PATAY....................* hehehehe
Posted 15 Apr 2005

Posted 16 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
Posted 16 Apr 2005

Posted 16 Apr 2005

Asian says

okie i tell you how i ment my Khan, my friend called me using her brother cell and shouted a chat site, her msn was not working so before i could say no she put the phone down, i use Janubaba becuase it's a nice enviroment and people are friendly.

she bought a new mobile phone and wanted me to takee down her new number, so i loged on and waited a number displayed as a user name, i thoungh she is the only idiot who would get a new number and display it.

so i decided to call, me being so silly i forgot to press 141 hiding my number, a male picked it up and said hello, all i did was take a big gasp and put the phone down.

he called back and kept saying hello, hello, i kept laughing he got angery and shouted "CAN'T YOU TALK?" lol he told me he fell in love from the day i started laughing. he would not stop calling, and every time i tryed to change my sim card something would get in the way.....

thats how i met my Khan
Posted 17 Apr 2005

stupid love story
Posted 18 Apr 2005

Asian says
don't worry some day a girl will love you to, besides your mother
Posted 18 Apr 2005

a girl named **** love me io know
Posted 19 Apr 2005

Asian said:


okie i tell you how i ment my Khan, my friend called me using her brother cell and shouted a chat site, her msn was not working so before i could say no she put the phone down, i use Janubaba becuase it's a nice enviroment and people are friendly.

she bought a new mobile phone and wanted me to takee down her new number, so i loged on and waited a number displayed as a user name, i thoungh she is the only idiot who would get a new number and display it.

so i decided to call, me being so silly i forgot to press 141 hiding my number, a male picked it up and said hello, all i did was take a big gasp and put the phone down.

he called back and kepting saying hello, hello, i kept laughing he got angery and shouted "CAN'T YOU TALK?" lol he told me he fell in love from the day i started laughing. he would not stop calling, and every time i tryed to change my sim card something would get in the way.....

thats how i met my Khan

Posted 19 Apr 2005

Asian says
i leaned a valuable lesson , NEVER CHALLANGE A KHAN
Posted 19 Apr 2005

Posted 20 Apr 2005

Asian said:

i leaned a valuable lesson , NEVER CHALLANGE A KHAN

Posted 21 Apr 2005

Asian says
Yeah do a hit and run instead hehehehehehe
Posted 21 Apr 2005

Posted 21 Apr 2005

Asian says
or just shout DAARPOKIE and run, otherwise he will catch you, tickle you and kiss you........or is that just me ?
Posted 21 Apr 2005

i m not like that
Posted 21 Apr 2005

Asian says
but my khan is,
Posted 21 Apr 2005

í c
Posted 21 Apr 2005

Asian says
you see?

i feel
Posted 21 Apr 2005

Posted 21 Apr 2005

Asian says
Posted 21 Apr 2005

valandrian says
Posted 23 Apr 2018

Posted 17 Sep 2018

Posted 22 Oct 2018

Posted 10 Nov 2018

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